Aristotle on Language and Style: The Concept of Lexis

Aristotle on Language and Style: The Concept of Lexis

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Ana Kotarcic
Cambridge University Press, 11/12/2020
EAN 9781108499521, ISBN10: 110849952X

Hardcover, 288 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.4 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

This is the first systematic analysis of Aristotle's concept of lexis. Ana Kotarcic argues that it should be approached on three interconnected levels: the first dealing with language as a system, the second with actual language usage, into which sociolinguistic factors come into play, and the third with prescriptions for the kind of language to be used in poetic and rhetorical compositions. She introduces ideas and concepts from classics and modern linguistics into the analysis alongside the philosophical approaches which have prevailed until now. The results reveal that Aristotle's ideas on lexis are complex, well-developed and intimately connected to many other fundamental concepts in his works, such as aretē, energeia, ēthos, logos, mimēsis, pathos, phantasia and technē. A major component of his thought is therefore illuminated comprehensively for the first time.

1. On the way to Aristotle's concept of lexis
2. The first level of lexis
Aristotle's fundamentals of language
3. The second level of lexis
language in use
4. The third level of lexis
its intra-textual aspect
5. The third level of lexis
its extra-textual aspect
6. Metaphor revisited.