Australian Intellectual Property Law

Australian Intellectual Property Law

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Mark J. Davison, Ann L. Monotti, Leanne Wiseman
Cambridge University Press
Edition: 4, 5/6/2020
EAN 9781108746953, ISBN10: 1108746950

Paperback, 808 pages, 24.4 x 19.6 x 4.1 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

The fourth edition of Australian Intellectual Property Law provides a detailed and comprehensive, yet concise and accessible discussion of intellectual property law in Australia. This edition has been thoroughly revised to cover the most recent developments in intellectual property law, including significant case law and discussion of the proposed and enacted amendments to the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), the Patents Act 1990 (Cth) and the Plant Breeder's Rights Act 1994 (Cth). The text has been restructured, but continues to provide a complete discussion of the black-letter aspects of the law. Commencing with copyright, then followed by design law, confidential information, patents, plant breeder's rights, then finally trade marks. The work ends with a chapter on enforcing legal rights and civil remedies. Written by highly-respected intellectual property law researchers this text is an invaluable resource for both undergraduate and postgraduate students, academics and other professionals working with intellectual property.

Part I. Introduction
1. Introduction
Part II. Copyright, Designs and Related Rights
2. Copyright
3. Copyright
4. Copyright
authorship, first ownership, and nature and duration of rights
5. Copyright
exploitation, infringement and defences
6. Areas related to copyright
moral rights, performers' rights, artist's resale rights, and other related rights
7. Designs
Part III
8. Equitable doctrines of breach of confidence
9. Patents for inventions
10. Patents for inventions
11. Patents for inventions
allocation of rights and ownership, the Register and dealings
12. Patents for inventions
exploitation, infringement and revocation
13. Plant breeder's rights
Part IV. Trade Marks
14. Passing off
15. Registered trade marks
16. Exploitation of registered trade marks
Part V. Enforcement Of Rights
17. Remedies and miscellaneous issues.