Australian Peacekeeping: Sixty Years in the Field
Cambridge University Press, 1/12/2009
EAN 9780521735926, ISBN10: 0521735920
Paperback, 352 pages, 22.9 x 15.3 x 1.9 cm
Language: English
Peacekeeping has been a significant part of Australia's overseas military engagement since the end of the Second World War. Yet it is a part of the country's history that has been largely neglected until the 1990s, and even since then interest has been slow to develop. In the last sixty years, between 30,000 and 40,000 Australian military personnel and police have served in more than 50 peacekeeping missions in at least 27 different conflicts. This insightful, engaging and superbly-edited volume approaches Australian peacekeeping from four angles: its history, its agencies, some personal reflections, and its future. Contributors discuss the distinction between peacekeeping and war-fighting, the importance of peacekeeping in terms of public policy, the problems of multinational command, and the specialist contributions of the military, civilian police, mine-clearers, weapons inspectors and diplomats.
Part I. The Historical Record
1. Inventing peacekeeping Peter Londey
2. Australian peacekeeping and the new world order David Horner
3. Humanitarian intervention and domestic politics
Australia's decisions to participate in Cambodia, Bosnia, Somalia and Rwanda John Connor
4. Australian peace operations in the South Pacific 1980–2006
from neighbourhood watch to neighbourhood intervention Bob Breen
Part II. The Agencies
5. The Australian Defence Force and peacekeeping Lieutenant General Ken Gillespie
6. Foreign affairs and peacekeeping James Batley
7. Full spectrum policing - the Australian Federal Police from peacekeeping to the rule of law Superintendent Tim Dahlstrom and Federal Agent James Steedman
8. Non-government organisations and peacekeeping Major General Mike Smith
Part III. The Participants
9. Command in Cambodia - a memoir Lieutenant General John Sanderson
10. Commanding multinational forces Major General Tim Ford
11. Landmines, Australians and peacekeeping Ian Mansfield
12. Weapons inspection Rod Barton
13. Observers in UNTSO Keith Howard, Brigadier Paul Symon, Major General Ian Gordon and Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Meacham
14. Police in peacekeeping - a personal view Commander Geoff Hazel
15. International policing - a career opportunity Federal Agent Erica Hanisch
Part IV. Future Peacekeeping
16. Peacekeeping
past experience, future prospects Major General Tim Ford
17. Peacekeeping
yesterday, today and tomorrow Ramesh Thakur