Authority and Expertise in Ancient Scientific Culture

Authority and Expertise in Ancient Scientific Culture

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Cambridge University Press, 1/20/2017
EAN 9781107060067, ISBN10: 1107060060

Hardcover, 474 pages, 25.4 x 18 x 3 cm
Language: English

How did ancient scientific and knowledge-ordering writers make their work authoritative? This book answers that question for a wide range of ancient disciplines, from mathematics, medicine, architecture and agriculture, through to law, historiography and philosophy - focusing mainly, but not exclusively, on the literature of the Roman Empire. It draws attention to habits that these different fields had in common, while also showing how individual texts and authors manipulated standard techniques of self-authorisation in distinctive ways. It stresses the importance of competitive and assertive styles of self-presentation, and also examines some of the pressures that pulled in the opposite direction by looking at authors who chose to acknowledge the limitations of their own knowledge or resisted close identification with narrow versions of expert identity. A final chapter by Sir Geoffrey Lloyd offers a comparative account of scientific authority and expertise in ancient Chinese, Indian and Mesopotamian culture.

1. Introduction
self-assertion and its alternatives in ancient scientific and technical writing Jason König
2. Philosophical authority in the Imperial period Michael Trapp
3. Philosophical authority in the Younger Seneca Harry Hine
4. Iurisperiti
'men skilled in law' Jill Harries
5. Making and defending claims to authority in Vitruvius' De architectura Daniel Harris-McCoy
6. Fragile expertise and the authority of the past
the 'Roman art of war' Marco Formisano
7. Conflicting models of authority and expertise in Frontinus' Strategemata Alice König
8. The authority of writing in Varro's De re rustica Aude Doody
9. The limits of enquiry in Imperial Greek didactic poetry Emily Kneebone
10. Expertise, 'character', and the 'authority effect' in the Early Roman History of Dionysius of Halicarnassus Nicolas Wiater
11. The authority of Galen's witnesses Daryn Lehoux
12. Anatomy and aporia in Galen's On the Construction of Fetuses Ralph M. Rosen
13. Varro the Roman Cynic
the destruction of religious authority in the Antiquitates Rerum Divinarum Leah Kronenberg
14. Signs, seers and senators
divinatory expertise in Cicero and Nigidius Figulus Katharina Volk
15. The public face of expertise
utility, zeal, and collaboration in Ptolemy's Syntaxis Johannes Wietzke
16. The authority of mathematical expertise and the question of ancient writing more geometrico Reviel Netz
17. Authority and expertise
some cross-cultural comparisons G. E. R. Lloyd.