Avian Cognition
Cambridge University Press, 6/22/2017
EAN 9781107092389, ISBN10: 1107092388
Hardcover, 348 pages, 24 x 17.6 x 2.1 cm
Language: English
The cognitive abilities of birds are remarkable: hummingbirds integrate spatial and temporal information about food sources, day-old chicks have a sense of numbers, parrots can make and use tools, and ravens have sophisticated insights in social relationships. This volume describes the full range of avian cognitive abilities, the mechanisms behind such abilities and how they relate to the ecology of the species. Synthesising the latest research in avian cognition, a range of experts in the field provide first-hand insights into experimental procedures, outcomes and theoretical advances, including a discussion of how the findings in birds relate to the cognitive abilities of other species, including humans. The authors cover a range of topics such as spatial cognition, social learning, tool use, perceptual categorization and concept learning, providing the broader context for students and researchers interested in the current state of avian cognition research, its key questions and appropriate experimental approaches.
Preface Carel ten Cate and Susan D. Healy
1. Introduction
avian cognition – why and what? Carel ten Cate and Susan D. Healy
2. Spatial cognition in birds James F. Reichert, Sebastian Schwarz and Debbie M. Kelly
3. Spatial cognition and ecology
hummingbirds as a case study Susan D. Healy and T. Andrew Hurly
4. Food storing and memory David F. Sherry
5. Avian cognition and the evolution of warning signals Candy Rowe, John Skelhorn, Christina G. Halpin
6. Social learning and innovation Louis Lefebvre and Lucy M. Aplin
7. Solving foraging problems
top-down and bottom-up perspectives on the role of cognition Andrea S. Griffin and David Guez
8. Objects and space in an avian brain Giorgio Vallortigara and Cinzia Chiandetti
9. Physical cognition and tool use in birds Alice Auersperg, Irmgard Teschke and Sabine Tebbich
10. Avian numerical cognition
a review and brief comparisons to non-avian species Irene M. Pepperberg
11. Mechanisms of perceptual categorization in birds Ludwig Huber and Ulrike Aust
12. Relational concept learning in birds Leyre Castro and Edward A. Wasserman
13. The linguistic abilities of birds Carel ten Cate
14. Avian vocal perception
bioacoustics and perceptual mechanisms Neil McMillan, Marc T. Avey, Laurie L. Bloomfield, Lauren M. Guillette, Allison H. Hahn, Marisa Hoeschele and Christopher B. Sturdy
15. Sing me something
does song signal cognition? Neeltje J. Boogert
16. Avian social relations, social cognition and cooperation Thomas Bugnyar and Jorg J. M. Massen.