220: Behavioral Genetics of the Mouse: Volume 2, Genetic Mouse Models of Neurobehavioral Disorders (Cambridge Handbooks in Behavioral Genetics)

220: Behavioral Genetics of the Mouse: Volume 2, Genetic Mouse Models of Neurobehavioral Disorders (Cambridge Handbooks in Behavioral Genetics)

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Revised edition, 9/25/2014
EAN 9781107044456, ISBN10: 1107044456

Hardcover, 530 pages, 27.6 x 21.9 x 2.5 cm
Language: English

The second volume of Behavioral Genetics of the Mouse provides a comprehensive overview of the major genetically modified mouse lines used to model human neurobehavioral disorders: from disorders of perception, of autonomous and motor functions to social and cognitive syndromes, drug abuse and dependence as well as neurodegenerative pathologies. Mouse models obtained with different types of genetic manipulations (i.e. transgenic, knockout/in mice) are described in their pathological phenotypes, with a special emphasis on behavioral abnormalities. The major results obtained with many of the existing models are discussed in depth highlighting their strengths and limitations. A lasting reference, the thorough reviews offer an easy entrance into the extensive literature in this field, and will prove invaluable to students and specialists alike.

List of contributors
Part I. Introduction to Genetic Mouse Models of Neurobehavioral Disorders
1. Introduction Frans Sluyter and Wim E. Crusio
2. Developing mouse models of neurobehavioral disorders
when is a model a good model? F. Josef van der Staay, Saskia Arndt and Rebecca E. Nordquist
Part II. Perception Disorders
3. Pain disorders Odd-Geir Berge
4. Disorders of the visual system Stewart Thompson and Alisdair R. Philp
Part III. Autonomous and Motor Disorders
5. Obesity and anorexia Gertjan van Dijk and Martien J. H. Kas
6. Sleep disorders Glenda Lassi and Valter Tucci
7. Cerebellar disorders Robert Lalonde and Catherine Strazielle
8. Motor disorders David Gordon and Kevin Talbot
9. Epilepsy Ortrud K. Steinlein
Part IV. Social Dysfunction and Mental Retardation
10. Pathological aggression Frans Sluyter, Aki Takahashi and Stephen C. Maxson
11. Disorders of sex Ashlyn Swift-Gallant and Douglas Ashley Monks
12. Autism Valerie J. Bolivar
13. Rett syndrome Laura Ricceri, Bianca De Filippis and Giovanni Laviola
14. Fragile X syndrome Susanna Pietropaolo and E. Subashi
15. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder Tatyana D. Sotnikova and Raul R. Gainetdinov
16. Obsessive-compulsive disorder and Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome Nancy S. Woehrle and Stephanie C. Dulawa
17. Schizophrenia Sofya Abazyan and Mikhail V. Pletnikov
18. Down syndrome Mara Dierssen
19. Prader–Willi and Angelmann syndromes Emily Y. Smith and James L. Resnick
20. Williams syndrome Lucy R. Osborne and Zhengping Jia
Part V. Anxiety and Mood Disorders
21. Anxiety disorders Guy Griebel and Sandra Beeské
22. Depression Christopher R. Pryce and Federica Klaus
23. Bipolar disorder Nirit Kara and Haim Einat
Part VI. Substance Dependence and Abuse
24. Alcohol use disorders John C. Crabbe
25. Drug abuse
nicotine Rebecca C. Steiner and Marina R. Picciotto
26. Cannabis abuse and dependence Tim Karl and Jonathon C. Arnold
27. Drug abuse
amphetamines Tamara J. Phillips, Emily C. Eastwood and John H. Harkness
28. Cocaine-related disorders F. Scott Hall and Ichiro Sora
29. Opioids-related disorders Angelo Contarino
Part VII. Neurodegenerative Disorders
30. Alzheimer's disease Christopher Janus and David Borchelt
31. Parkinson's disease Iddo Magen and Marie-Françoise Chesselet
32. Huntington's disease Yoon H. Cho and Susanna Pietropaolo