Big Copyright Versus the People: How Major Content Providers Are Destroying Creativity and How to Stop Them

Big Copyright Versus the People: How Major Content Providers Are Destroying Creativity and How to Stop Them

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Martin Skladany
Cambridge University Press, 6/7/2018
EAN 9781108401593, ISBN10: 1108401597

Paperback, 286 pages, 22.8 x 15.1 x 1.3 cm
Language: English

When the idea of copyright was enshrined in the Constitution it was intended to induce citizens to create. Today, however, copyright has morphed into a system that offers the bulk of its protection to a select number of major corporate content providers (or Big Copyright), which has turned us from a country of creators into one of consumers who spend, on average, ten hours each day on entertainment. In this alarming but illuminating book, Martin Skladany examines our culture of overconsumption and shows not only how it leads to addiction, but also how it is unraveling important threads - of family, friendship, and community - in our society. Big Copyright versus the People should be read by anyone interested in understanding how Big Copyright managed to get such a lethal grip on our culture and what can be done to loosen it.

Part I. Theory
1. Capture
2. The overconsumption problem
3. The value of creativity
Part II. Practical Proposals For Change
4. Pressuring big copyright
5. Ignoring big copyright
6. Cooperating with big copyright