Biodiversity in Trust: Conservation and Use of Plant Genetic Resources in CGIAR Centres
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Reissue, 8/21/2008
EAN 9780521596534, ISBN10: 052159653X
Paperback, 388 pages, 24.4 x 17 x 2 cm
Language: English
The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) is an association of agricultural research centres which together represent an important force in genetic conservation of crops and their wild relatives. Under the CGIAR umbrella, the centres are collectively custodians of international genetic resource collections for crops that provide 75 per cent of the world's food energy. This volume considers the status of the key collections, in each case providing details of the botany, distribution and agronomy of the species concerned, in addition to extensive information on germplasm conservation and use. The book presents a unique synthesis of knowledge drawn from the CGIAR centres, providing an invaluable source of reference for all those concerned with monitoring, maintaining and utilizing the biodiversity of our staple crop species.
1. Cassava M. Bonierbale, C. Guevara, A. G. O. Dixon, N. Q. Ng, R Asiedu and S. Y. C. Ng
2. The potato Z. Huamán, A. Golmirzaie and W. Amoros
3. Sweetpotato Z. Huamán and D.P. Zhang
4. Other Andean roots and tubers C. Arbizu, Z. Huamán and A. Golmirzaie
5. Yams R. Asiedu, N. M. Wanyera, S. Y. C. Ng and N. Q. Ng
6. Bananas and plantain J.-P. Horry, R. Ortiz, E. Arnaud, J. H. Crouch, R. S. B. Ferris, D. R. Jones, N. Mateo, C. Picq and D. Vuylsteke
7. Cowpea N. Q. Ng and B. B. Singh
8. Chickpea K. B. Singh, R. P. S. Pundir, L. D. Robertson, H. A. van Rheenen, U. Singh, T. J. Kelley, P. Parthasarathy Rao, C. Johansen and N. P. Saxena
9. Groundnut A. K. Singh and S. N. Nigam
10. Lentil L. D. Robertson and W. Erskine
11. Phaseolus beans R. Hidalgo and S. Beebe
12. Pigeonpea P. Remanandan and L. Singh
13. Faba bean L. D. Robertson
14. Soyabean K. Dashiell and C. Fatokun
15. Barley J. Valkoun, S. Ceccarelli and J. Konopka
16. Maize, tripsacum and teosinte Suketoshi Taba, Julien Berthaud, Yves Savidan, Marc Barré and Olivier Leblanc
17. Pearl millet K. N. Rai, S. Appa Rao and K. N. Reddy
18. Small millets K. E. Prasada Rao and J. M. J. de Wet
19. Rice M. T. Jackson, G. C. Loresto, S. Appa Rao, M.Jones, E. P. Guimaraes and N. Q. Ng
20. Sorghum J. W. Stenhouse, K. E. Prasada Rao, V. Gopal Reddy and S. Appa Rao
21. Wheat H. J. Dubin, R. A. Fischer, A. Mujeeb-Kazi, R. J. Peña, K. D. Sayre, B. Skovmand and J. Valkoun
22. Forages B. L. Maass, J. Hanson, L. D. Robertson, P. C. Kerridge and A. M. Abd El Moneim