Biopolymers: Biopolymers Miscellaneous Biopolymers and Biodegradation of Synthetic Polymers v. 9
Wiley VCH
Edition: Volume 9, 2002-11-26
EAN 9783527302284, ISBN10: 352730228X
Hardcover, 608 pages, 24.6 x 17.5 x 3.5 cm
The first part of this volume focuses on biosynthesis, metabolism, biodegradation, functions, properties and applications of miscellaneous polymers, such as hemozoin, thymine–containing styrene polymers, polythioesters, polyphosphate, polyhydroxymethionine, polyketides, and natural polyacetals. The second part then goes on to treat the biodegradation of a wide range of synthetic polymers, e.g.
∗ substituted cellulose
∗ nylon
∗ polycarbonate
∗ polyvinyl alcohol
∗ polyurethanes
∗ polystyrenes
∗ polyethylene
∗ polyanhydrides.