Bridging Linguistics and Economics

Bridging Linguistics and Economics

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Cambridge University Press, 3/19/2020
EAN 9781108479332, ISBN10: 1108479332

Hardcover, 312 pages, 23.1 x 16.5 x 1.8 cm
Language: English

Linguistics has had a significant and evident impact on economics, and vice versa. However, this mutually beneficial relationship has so far remained under-exploited. This rich volume brings together an international range of scholars, to bridge the gap between these two distinct but increasingly interrelated disciplines. It covers areas such as the role of economic factors in the maintenance or loss of languages, the relationship between speakers' language choices and economic practices, the relevance of economic development to the spread of modern communication technology, and the role of language in economic development. It represents a critical call to arms for researchers and students in both fields to engage in better informed ways with the work of the other. By sharing both linguistic and economic ideas, the editors and the other contributors foster a clear dialogue between the two disciplines, which will inform the rapidly emerging field of 'language economics'.

1. Do linguists need economics and economists linguistics? Cécile B. Vigouroux and Salikoko S. Mufwene
2. Economists do need linguists Victor Ginsburgh and Shlomo Weber
3. The invisibility of linguistic diversity online
reflections on the political economy of digital communication Ana Deumert
4. Evaluating language policy and planning
an introduction to the economics approach Michele Gazzola, François Grin and François Vaillancourt
5. The economics of language diversity and language resilience in the Balkans Adam D. Clark-Joseph and Brian D. Joseph
6. Determinants of bilingualism among children
an economic analysis Barry R. Chiswick and Marina Gindelsky
7. Economy and language in Africa Paulin G. Djité
8. The unequal exchange of texts in the world language system Abram de Swaan
9. Language economics and language rights John Edwards.