Building Participatory Institutions in Latin America: Reform Coalitions and Institutional Change

Building Participatory Institutions in Latin America: Reform Coalitions and Institutional Change

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Lindsay Mayka
Cambridge University Press, 2/7/2019
EAN 9781108470872, ISBN10: 1108470874

Hardcover, 320 pages, 23.4 x 19.3 x 2 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

While prior studies have shown the importance of participatory institutions in strengthening civil society and in improving policy outcomes, we know much less about why some participatory institutions take root while others do not. This book explains the divergent trajectories of nationally mandated participatory institutions' 'stickiness' by highlighting the powerful and lasting impacts of their origins in different policy-reform projects. Mayka argues that participatory institutions take root when they are bundled into sweeping policy reforms, which upend the status quo and mobilize unexpected coalitions behind participatory institution building. In contrast, participatory institutions created through reforms focused on deepening democracy are easy for entrenched interests to dismantle and sideline. Building Participatory Institutions in Latin America draws on rich case studies of participatory institutions in Brazil and Colombia across three policy areas, offering the first cross-national comparative study of participatory institutions mandated at the national level.

1. Introduction
the puzzle of participatory institution building
2. Theoretical framework
participatory institution building through sweeping sectoral reform and policy entrepreneurs
3. The origins of participatory reforms in Brazil and Colombia
4. Brazil's health councils
successful institution building through sweeping reform
5. Brazil's social assistance councils
the advances of a broad but divided coalition mobilized through sweeping reform
6. Colombia's planning councils
the limits to participatory institution building without sweeping sectoral reform
7. Colombia's health committees
failed participatory institution building in the absence of policy entrepreneurs
8. Lessons for institutional change, interest representation, and accountability.