Byzantium and Venice: A Study in Diplomatic and Cultural Relations

Byzantium and Venice: A Study in Diplomatic and Cultural Relations

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Revised ed., 1/12/2008
EAN 9780521428941, ISBN10: 0521428947

Paperback, 480 pages, 22.8 x 15.2 x 2.7 cm
Language: English

This book traces the diplomatic, cultural and commercial links between Constantinople and Venice from the foundation of the Venetian republic to the fall of the Byzantine Empire. It aims to show how, especially after the Fourth Crusade in 1204, the Venetians came to dominate first the Genoese and thereafter the whole Byzantine economy. At the same time the author points to those important cultural and, above all, political reasons why the relationship between the two states was always inherently unstable.

List of abbreviations
Maps of the Byzantine and Venetian worlds
1. Venice
the Byzantine province
2. Venice
the Byzantine protectorate
3. Venice
the ally of Byzantium
4. Venice
the partner of Byzantium
5. Byzantium, Venice and the First Crusade
6. The parting of the ways
7. The calm before the storm
8. The Fourth Crusade
9. Venice in Byzantium
the Empire of Romania
10. Venice
champion of a lost cause
11. Byzantium, Venice and the Angevin threat
12. Byzantium, Venice and Genoa
13. Conflicting interests and competing claims
14. Byzantium, Venice and the Turks
15. Byzantium
the victim of commercial rivalry
16. The profit and honour of Venice
17. Jewels for an island
18. Byzantium in thrall to the Turks and in debt to Venice
19. Byzantine optimism and Venetian vacillation
20. Byzantium the suppliant of Venice
21. The worst news for all of Christendom
Venice and the fall of Constantinople
22. Legacies and debts
Byzantine Emperors
Doges of Venice