Cambridge Bible Commentaries: Old Testament 32 Volume Set: The Second Book of Kings (Cambridge Bible Commentaries on the Old Testament)
Cambridge University Press, 12/9/1976
EAN 9780521097741, ISBN10: 0521097746
Paperback, 272 pages, 19.6 x 12.8 x 1.7 cm
Language: English
As in the other Cambridge Bible Commentary volumes, an introduction is followed by the text of the New English Bible translation divided into sections. Each section of the text is followed by the commentary upon it. Canon Robinson shows that 2 Kings is truly a continuation of the story told in the preceding historical books. The narrative now passes to the decline of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah and their territorial absorption into the empires of Assyria and Babylon. The compilers of 2 Kings attributed this downfall to the Hebrews' disregard of the prophets and of the covenant with God.
List of maps and time chart
The footnotes to the N.E.B. text
What the book is about
The earlier history of the Israelites
Samaria and Israel
The story told in I Kings
Ahab and Elijah
The influence of the prophets on the compiler of Kings
The deuteronomists
The point of view of the deuteronomists
The end of the two kingdoms
The motive for the writing of the book
The Deuteronomic History
How the book was compiled
The story of King Hezekiah
The chronology of Kings
The faith of the writers
Measures of length and extent
Measures of capacity
weights and coins