Cambridge History Christianity McLeod University Press Paperback … 9781107423749

Cambridge History Christianity McLeod University Press Paperback … 9781107423749

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, 12/30/1899
EAN 9781107423749, ISBN10: 1107423740

The twentieth century saw changes as dramatic as any in Christian history. The Churches suffered serious losses, both through persecution and through secularisation, in what had been for several centuries their European heartlands, but grew fast in Africa and parts of Asia. This volume provides a comprehensive history of Catholicism, Protestantism and the Independent Churches in all parts of the world in the century when Christianity truly became a global religion. Written by a powerful team of specialists from many different countries, the volume is broad in scope. The first part focuses on institutions and movements which have had a worldwide impact, including the papacy, the ecumenical movement and Pentecostalism. The second provides a narrative of Christian history in each region of the world. The third focuses on selected themes from an international perspective, including changes in worship, relations with Jews and Muslims, science and the arts, gender and sexuality.

1. Introduction Hugh McLeod
2. Being a Christian in the early twentieth century Hugh McLeod
Part I. Institutions and Movements
3. The papacy John Pollard
4. Ecumenism David M. Thompson
5. Christianity, colonialism and missions Kevin Ward
6. The pentacostal and charismatic movements Allan Anderson
7. Independency in Africa and Asia Allan Anderson and Edmund Tang
Part II. Narratives of Change
8. The Great War Michael Snape
9. Church and state in Europe in the age of the dictators Martin Conway
10. Latin America c.1914–c.1950 Christopher Abel
11. African Christianity
from the World Wars to decolonisation Ogbu U. Kalu
12. The African Diaspora in the Caribbean and Europe from pre-emancipation to the present day Roswith Gerloff
13. Christianity in the United States during the inter-war years Colleen McDannell
14. Christian churches in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific, 1914–70 Katharine Massam
15. Catholicism and Protestantism in the Second World War in Europe Andrew Chandler
16. The Cold War, the hegemony of the United States and the golden age of Christian democracy Dianne Kirby
17. The religious ferment of the sixties Michael Walsh
18. The crisis of Christianity in the West
entering a post-Christian era? Hugh McLeod
19. The revolutions in Eastern Europe and the beginnings of the post-Communist era Philip Walters
20. The transformation of Latin American Christianity, c.1950–2000 Edward L. Cleary
21. Religion and racism
struggles around segregation, 'Jim Crow' and Apartheid Steve de Gruchy
22. Post-colonial Christianity in Africa David Maxwell
23. South Asia, 1911–2003 Chandra Mallampalli
24. Christianity in Southeast Asia
1914–2000 John Roxborogh
25. East Asia Richard Fox Young
Part III. Social and Cultural Impact
26. Liturgy Bryan Spinks
27. The 'Other'
(i) Relations between Christians and Jews (1914–2000) Daniel Langton
(ii) Muslims David Thomas
(iii) Buddhists and Hindus David Cheetham
(iv) Theologies of religions David Cheetham
28. Wealth and poverty Duncan B. Forrester
29. Male and female
(i) Marriage and the family Adrian Thatcher
(ii) Homosexuality David Hilliard
(iii) Patriarchy and women's emancipation Pirjo Markkola
(iv) The Church as women's space Pirjo Markkola
30. Christianity and the sciences Peter J. Bowler
31. Literature and the arts
(i) Literature and film David Jasper
(ii) Music and Christianity in the twentieth century Andrew Wilson-Dickson
(iii) Christianity and art Jutta Vinzent
(iv) Church architecture Nigel Yates
32. Role-models Hugh McLeod
33. Being a Christian at the end of the twentieth century Hugh McLeod.