Educational Foundations: Philosophical and Historical Perspectives

Educational Foundations: Philosophical and Historical Perspectives

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Brian W. Dotts
Cambridge University Press, 11/29/2018
EAN 9781316648896, ISBN10: 1316648893

Paperback, 568 pages, 25.2 x 17.6 x 2.6 cm
Language: English

This educational foundations book offers a comprehensive overview of American education history and a variety of classical, Enlightenment, and contemporary educational philosophers. While Educational Foundations includes a history of American education, it also looks at numerous policies, constitutional law cases, events, and political, religious, and social conflicts for students to consider while learning their subject matter. The text is divided into two sections: the first is a look at a broad array of philosophical influences from the Western canon, while the second is an exploration of the history of American education, focusing on a few specific eras. With strong and helpful pedagogical features and resources, such as class activities, suggested files, chapter objectives, and sidebar questions, this textbook is an excellent resource for students. It is useful for undergraduate and graduate courses in educational foundations.

Part I. Selected Philosophers
1. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
2. John Locke
3. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
4. Karl Marx and Frederick Engels
5. John Dewey
6. Paulo Freire
7. Mary Wollstonecraft, W. E. B. Du Bois, and Jane Addams
Part II. History of American Education
8. Colonial America
9. Revolutionary era
10. National/Antebellum era
11. Post-Civil War era
12. Progressive era
13. Post World War II era
14. 1980s and beyond
15. The politics of privatization.