Energy Conversion Engineering: Towards Low CO2 Power and Fuels

Energy Conversion Engineering: Towards Low CO2 Power and Fuels

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Ahmed F. Ghoniem
Cambridge University Press
Edition: New, 11/11/2021
EAN 9781108478373, ISBN10: 1108478379

Hardcover, 1000 pages, 24.8 x 19.7 x 4.4 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

This unique textbook equips students with the theoretical and practical tools needed to model, design, and build efficient and clean low-carbon energy systems. Students are introduced to thermodynamics principles including chemical and electrochemical thermodynamics, moving onto applications in real-world energy systems, demonstrating the connection between fundamental concepts and theoretical analysis, modelling, application, and design. Topics gradually increase in complexity, nurturing student confidence as they build towards the use of advanced concepts and models for low to zero carbon energy conversion systems. The textbook covers conventional and emerging renewable energy conversion systems, including efficient fuel cells, carbon capture cycles, biomass utilisation, geothermal and solar thermal systems, hydrogen and low-carbon fuels. Featuring numerous worked examples, over 100 multi-component homework problems, and online instructor resources including lecture slides, solutions, and sample term projects, this textbook is the perfect teaching resource for an advanced undergraduate and graduate-level course in energy conversion engineering.

1. Low carbon energy
2. Thermodynamics
3. Chemical thermodynamics
4. Electrochemical thermodynamics
5. Gas turbine cycles
6. Rankine cycles
7. Fuel cells at finite current
8. Combined, oxy-combustion and hybrid cycles
9. Solar thermal, geothermal and integration
10. Gas separation
11. Carbon capture cycles
natural gas
12. Coal power cycles, gasification and synfuels
13. Carbon capture cycles
14. Biomass