Evolutionary Biology and Conservation of Titis, Sakis and Uacaris: 65 (Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology, Series Number 65)

Evolutionary Biology and Conservation of Titis, Sakis and Uacaris: 65 (Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology, Series Number 65)

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 4/11/2013
EAN 9780521881586, ISBN10: 0521881587

Hardcover, 420 pages, 28.2 x 22.4 x 2.3 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

The neotropical primate family Pitheciidae consists of four genera Cacajao (uacaris), Callicebus (titis), Chiropotes (bearded sakis) and Pithecia (sakis), whose 40+ species display a range of sizes, social organisations, ecologies and habitats. Few are well known and the future survival of many is threatened, yet pitheciines have been little studied. This book is the first to review the biology of this fascinating and diverse group in full. It includes fossil history, reviews of the biology of each genus and, among others, specific treatments of vocalisations and foraging ecology. These studies are integrated into considerations of current status and future conservation requirements on a country-by-country basis for each species. A state-of-the-art summary of current knowledge, Evolutionary Biology and Conservation of Titis, Sakis and Uacaris is a collective effort from all the major researchers currently working on these remarkable animals.

Contributor list
Part I. Fossil History, Zoogeography and Taxonomy of the Pitheciids
1. Pitheciidae and other Platyrrhine seed predators
2. The misbegotten
long lineages, long branches and the interrelationships of Aotus, Callicebus and the Saki-Uacaris
3. A molecular phylogeography of the Uacaris (Cacajao)
4. Taxonomy and geographic distribution of the Pitheciidae
5. Zoogeography, genetic variation and conservation of the Callicebus personatus group
Part II. Comparative Pitheciid Ecology
6. Morphological and ecological adaptations to seed predation - a primate-wide perspective
7. Pitheciines
use of time and space
8. Functional morphology and positional behaviour in the Pitheciini
9. Male cooperation in Pitheciines
the reproductive costs and benefits to individuals of forming large multimale/multifemale groups
10. Evolutionary ecology of the pitheciinae
evidence for energetic equivalence or phylogenetically structured environmental variation?
11. Competition between Pitheciines and large Ara macaws, two specialist seed-eaters
12. On the distribution of Pitheciine monkeys and Lecythidaceae trees in Amazonia
Part III. Genus Reviews and Case Studies
13. Why we know so little
the challenges of fieldwork on the Pitheciids
14. Ecology and behaviour of Uacaris (genus Cacajao)
15. Annual variation in breeding success and changes in population density of Cacajao calvus ucayalii in the Lago Preto Conservation Concession, Peru
16. Cacajao ouakary in Brazil and Colombia
patterns, puzzles and predictions
17. Ecology and behaviour of titi monkeys (genus Callicebus)
18. Costs of foraging in the Southern Bahian Masked Titi Monkey (Callicebus melanochir)
19. Insectivory and prey foraging techniques in Callicebus - a case study of Callicebus cupreus and a comparison to other pitheciids
20. Seed eating by Callicebus lugens at Caparú Biological Station, on the lower Apaporis River, Colombian Amazonia
21. Callicebus in Manu National Park
territory, resources, scent marking and vocalizations
23. Feeding ecology of Uta Hick's Bearded Saki (Chiropotes utahickae) on a man-made island in southeastern Brazilian Amazonia
seasonal and longitudinal variation
24. The behavioural ecology of Northern Bearded Sakis (Chiropotes satanas chiropotes) living in forest fragments of Central Brazilian Amazonia
25. Ecology and behaviour of saki monkeys (genus Pithecia)
26. Finding the balance
optimizing predator avoidance and food encounters through individual positioning in Pithecia pithecia during travel
27. Testing models of social behaviour with regard to inter- and intra-troop interactions in free-ranging white-faced sakis
28. Comparative socioecology of sympatric, free-ranging white-faced and bearded saki monkeys in Suriname
preliminary data
29. Pair-mate relationships and parenting in Equatorial Saki Monkeys (Pithecia aequatorialis) and Red Titi Monkeys (Callicebus discolor) of Ecuador
30. Vocal communication in Cacajao, Chiropotes and Pithecia
current knowledge and future directions
Part IV. Conservation of the Pitheciids
31. The Guyana Shield
Venezuela and the Guyanas
32. Pitheciid conservation in Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, and Paraguay
33. Brazil
34. Pitheciines in captivity
challenges and opportunities, past, present and future
35. The challenge of living in fragments
36. Communities and Uacaris
conservation initiatives in Brazil and Peru
Appendix - country factsheets