Exclusions from Patentability: How Far Has the European Patent Office Eroded Boundaries?: 19 (Cambridge Intellectual Property and Information Law, Series Number 19)

Exclusions from Patentability: How Far Has the European Patent Office Eroded Boundaries?: 19 (Cambridge Intellectual Property and Information Law, Series Number 19)

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Sigrid Sterckx
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Reissue, 7/9/2015
EAN 9781107542624, ISBN10: 1107542626

Paperback, 376 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.2 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Exclusions from Patentability reviews the history of the adoption of exclusions from patentability under the European Patent Convention since its first conception in 1949 through to its most recent revision. The analysis shows how other intellectual property treaties, such as UPOV, the Strasbourg Patent Convention, PCT, the EU Biotech Directive and TRIPS have affected the framing of the exclusions. Particular attention is given to those exclusions considered the most contentious (computer programmes, discoveries, medical treatments, life forms and agriculture) and those decisions which have been most influential in shaping the approaches by which the exclusions have been interpreted. The 'morality' exclusion and the interpretation of the exclusions are discussed critically and suggestions for coherent interpretation are made.

1. Introduction
2. The historical development and current scope of the European Patent Convention
3. Computer programs
4. Discoveries
5. Methods of medical treatment and diagnosis
6. Essentially biological processes for the production of plants and animals
7. Plant and animal varieties
8. Morality and 'ordre public'
9. Towards a coherent interpretation of the exclusions
10. Conclusion.