From Physics to Philosophy
Cambridge University Press, 1/20/2000
EAN 9780521660259, ISBN10: 0521660254
Hardcover, 252 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.8 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English
This collection of essays by leading philosophers of physics was first published in 2000, and offers philosophical perspectives on two of the central elements of modern physics, quantum theory and relativity. The topics examined include the notorious 'measurement problem' of quantum theory and the attempts to solve it by attributing extra values to physical quantities, the mysterious non-locality of quantum theory, the curious properties of spatial localization in relativistic quantum theories, and the problem of time in the search for a theory of quantum gravity. Together the essays represent some of the last decade's research in philosophy of physics, particularly interestingly within the philosophy of quantum theory.
Introduction Jeremy Butterfield and Constantine Pagonis
1. Locality and the Hardy Theorem Arthur Fine
2. Beables in algebraic quantum theory Rob Clifton
3. Aspects of objectivity in quantum mechanics Harvey Brown
4. The beables of relativistic pilot-wave theory Simon Saunders
5. Bohemian mechanics and chaos James Cushing and Gary Bowman
6. Strange positions Gordon Fleming and Jeremy Butterfield
7. From metaphysics to physics Gordon Belot and John Earman
8. Models and mathematics in physics
the role of group theory Steven French
9. Can the fundamental laws of nature be the results of evolution? Abner Shimony.