Galactic Dynamics in the Era of Large Surveys (IAU S353) (Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Symposia and Colloquia)
Cambridge University Press, 7/16/2020
EAN 9781108482486, ISBN10: 1108482481
Hardcover, 316 pages, 25.4 x 18.3 x 1.8 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English
Galactic dynamics is fundamental to understanding the formation of galaxies, their internal evolution and their current structure. While galactic dynamics has traditionally focused on the evolution of the stellar components of galaxies, studies over the past two decades have shown that all aspects of galaxy evolution are strongly influenced by the interplay between the dynamics of stars, gas, and dark matter. IAU Symposium 353, is the first major symposium in more than a decade focused on the dynamics of galaxies and stellar systems, covering the recent explosion in the availability of kinematical data both for individual stars in the Milky Way and wide field line-of-sight kinematics for large samples of external galaxies. These proceedings describe recent developments that aim to transform our understanding of the dynamics, structure, formation and evolution of our own host galaxy, the Milky Way, as well as galaxies in the universe at large.
Milky Way's structure based on thousands of Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars from OGLE Pawel Pietrukowicz
A 3D map of the Milky Way's disk as traced by classical Cepheids Xiaodian Chen
Dissecting the Phase Space Snail Shell Zhao-Yu Li
Vertical distribution of stars and flaring in the Milky Way Suchira Sarkar
Lithium enrichment in the Galaxy
A study using the GALAH and Gaia surveys Deepak
3D asymmetrical kinematics of mono-age populations from LAMOST and Gaia common red clump stars Haifeng Wang
Study of open cluster NGC 5617 in Gaia era Devendra Bisht
Something about Red Supergiants Maria Messineo
Dynamics of the Milky Way Bar/Bulge Ortwin Gerhard
New VIRAC Proper Motion Maps Show Signature of Galactic Boxy/Peanut Bulge Jonathan Clarke
The VVV Survey
Globular Clusters and More Minniti Dante
VVV Microlensing events in the far side of the Milky Way MarÃÂa Navarro
Transverse bar/bulge kinematics with Gaia and VVV Jason Sanders
Stellar populations in the BAaDE survey Megan Lewis
the Bulge Asymmetries and Dynamical Evolution survey Lorant Sjouwerman
SiO maser emission as a stellar line-of-sight velocity tracer in the Bulge Asymmetries and Dynamical Evolution (BAaDE) survey Michael Stroh
Measuring torque of Galactic bar from Gaia DR2 Rain Kipper
Infrared space astrometry mission for survey of the Galactic nuclear bulge
Small-JASMINE Naoteru Gouda
Nearby Hills ejecta as a probe of the gravitational potential of the Milky Way Yanqiong Zhang
Tracing the rotational velocity of the halo with K-giant stars in LAMOST-Gaia era Hao Tian
The high transverse velocity stars in Gaia-LAMOST João Antônio Silveira do Amarante
Constraining the Milky Way non-axisymmetries with Gaia Benoit Famaey
Warps, Waves, and Phase Spirals in the Milky Way Lawrence Widrow
Kinematics of Highly r-Process-Enhanced Halo Stars Kaley Brauer
Streams and the Milky Way Dark Matter Halo Heidi Newberg
New structures of the Milky Way stellar and dark halos revealed from the Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam survey Masashi Chiba
Galactic Mass and Anisotropy Profile with Halo K-Giant and Blue Horizontal Branch Stars from LAMOST/SDSS and Gaia Sarah A. Bird
The shape of the dark matter halo revealed from a hypervelocity star Kohei Hattori
Modelling our Galaxy James Binney
Satellite galaxies as better tracers of the Milky Way halo mass Jiaxin Han
The Early Merger that Made the Galaxy's Stellar Halo N. Evans
Detecting tidal tail of the globular cluster Whiting 1 Jundan Nie
The LMC vs. the Milky Way Gurtina Besla
Proper motion of the Magellanic Bridge
removal of foreground stars Thomas Schmidt
Revisiting the innermost Kinematics of the Andromeda galaxy (M31) with the Observatoire du Mont Mégantic (OMM) Fabry-Perot interferometer Sie Zacharie Kam
Spirals in Galaxies Jerry Sellwood
Kinematical Signatures of Disc Instabilities and Secular Evolution in the MUSE TIMER Survey Dimitri Gadotti
The sequence of spiral arm classes
Observational signatures of persistent spiral density waves in grand-design galaxies Adrian Bittner
Dynamical Regularities in Galaxies Stacy McGaugh
Evolution of Disk Galaxies in MOdified Gravity (MOG) Neda Ghafourian
The Puzzle of Unbarred Galaxies Juntai Shen
Secular evolution and pseudo-bulges Francoise Combes
The face-on views of X-shaped “bulges'' – boxy features in the central parts of bars Panos Patsis
The evolution of bulges of galaxies in minor fly-by interactions Ankit Kumar
The long-lived inner bar of NGC1291 Jairo Mendez-Abreu
A MUSE study of the fast bar in the weakly-interacting galaxy NGC 4264 Virginia Cuomo
Schwarzschild modeling of barred galaxies Eugene Vasiliev
Can Bars Erode Cuspy Halos? Sandeep Kataria
Coevolution (Or Not) of Supermassive Black Holes and Host Galaxies John Kormendy
Testing the robustness of black hole mass measurements with ALMA and MUSE Sabine Thater
The dynamics in the inne