Gender Differences at Puberty (Cambridge Studies on Child and Adolescent Health)

Gender Differences at Puberty (Cambridge Studies on Child and Adolescent Health)

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 7/31/2003
EAN 9780521807043, ISBN10: 0521807042

Hardcover, 358 pages, 22.9 x 15.9 x 2.5 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Puberty is one of the most important life transitions. There is no other period in the life cycle in which there is such significant, rapid, and simultaneous transformation in biology and social and psychological development. Change at puberty is both dramatic and universal, yet there are few researchers who study this important stage in the lifecourse. Indeed the study of the biological and psychosocial changes at puberty is relatively recent. One of the most interesting aspects of puberty is that it marks a significant separation between the genders: physically, psychologically, and socially. This book focuses on the emergence of gender difference and provides an up to date summary of interdisciplinary research in the area with contributions from an international team of leading experts in the field. Topics covered include biological aspects of puberty, body image, aggression, sexual abuse, opposite-sex relationships and the psychopathology of puberty.

1. Methodological concerns in puberty-related research Chris Hayward
Part I. Sex Differences in Hormones and their Effect at Puberty
2. The biology of puberty
new developments in sex difference Patricia Fechner
3. Hormonal changes at puberty and the emergence of gender differences in internalizing disorders Katherine Sanborn and Chris Hayward
Part II. Girls at Puberty
4. Puberty and body image Eric Stice
5. Girls' opposite-sex relationships
interactions with puberty Laura Compian and Chris Hayward
6. Aggression, psychopathology and deliquency
influences of gender and maturation. Where did all the good girls go? Stephanie R. Hawkins, Samantha Pia Miller and Hans Steiner
Part III. Boys at Puberty
7. Boys at puberty
psychosocial implications Jenica Huddleston and Xiaojia Ge
Part IV. Puberty and Psychopathology
8. Puberty and depression Adrian Angold, Carol Worthman and E. Jane Costello
9. Puberty and schizophrenia Andrew Gotowiec, Mary V. Seeman and Robin Z. Cohen
Part V. Pubertal Timing
10. Childhood sexual abuse and pubertal timing
implications for long-term psychosocial adjustment Tanya A. Bergevin, William M. Bukowski and Leigh Karavasilis
11. Psychosocial factors predicting pubertal onset Lauraie L. Meschke, Pamela Jo Johnson, Bonnie L. Barber and Jacquelynne S. Eccles
Part VI. Pubertal Timing
12. Short-term and long-term consequences of early vs. late physical maturation in adolescents Karina Weichold, Rainer Silbereisen and Eva Schmitt-Rodermund
13. When coming of age means coming undone
links between puberty and psychosocial adjustment among European-American and African-American girls Alice Michael and Jacquelynne S. Eccles
Part VII. Puberty and Context
14. Puberty in context Julia Graber.