General Relativity and Gravitation: A Centennial Perspective

General Relativity and Gravitation: A Centennial Perspective

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Cambridge University Press, 5/14/2020
EAN 9781108810241, ISBN10: 1108810241

Paperback, 698 pages, 24.4 x 17 x 4.2 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Explore spectacular advances in cosmology, relativistic astrophysics, gravitational wave science, mathematics, computational science, and the interface of gravitation and quantum physics with this unique celebration of the centennial of Einstein's discovery of general relativity. Twelve comprehensive and in-depth reviews, written by a team of world-leading international experts, together present an up-to-date overview of key topics at the frontiers of these areas, with particular emphasis on the significant developments of the last three decades. Interconnections with other fields of research are also highlighted, making this an invaluable resource for both new and experienced researchers. Commissioned by the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation, and including accessible introductions to cutting-edge topics, ample references to original research papers, and informative colour figures, this is a definitive reference for researchers and graduate students in cosmology, relativity, and gravitational science.

Part I. Einstein's Triumph
1. 100 years of general relativity George F. R. Ellis
2. Was Einstein right? Clifford M. Will
3. Cosmology David Wands, Misao Sasaki, Eiichiro Komatsu, Roy Maartens and Malcolm A. H. MacCallum
4. Relativistic astrophysics Peter Schneider, Ramesh Narayan, Jeffrey E. McClintock, Peter Mészáros and Martin J. Rees
Part II. New Window on the Universe
5. Receiving gravitational waves Beverly K. Berger, Karsten Danzmann, Gabriela Gonzalez, Andrea Lommen, Guido Mueller, Albrecht Rüdiger and William Joseph Weber
6. Sources of gravitational waves. Theory and observations Alessandra Buonanno and B. S. Sathyaprakash
Part III. Gravity is Geometry, After All
7. Probing strong field gravity through numerical simulations Frans Pretorius, Matthew W. Choptuik and Luis Lehner
8. The initial value problem of general relativity and its implications Gregory J. Galloway, Pengzi Miao and Richard Schoen
9. Global behavior of solutions to Einstein's equations Stefanos Aretakis, James Isenberg, Vincent Moncrief and Igor Rodnianski
Part IV. Beyond Einstein
10. Quantum fields in curved space-times Stefan Hollands and Robert M. Wald
11. From general relativity to quantum gravity Abhay Ashtekar, Martin Reuter and Carlo Rovelli
12. Quantum gravity via unification Henriette Elvang and Gary T. Horowitz.