Genius: Natural History Creativity: The Natural History of Creativity: 12 (Problems in the Behavioural Sciences, Series Number 12)

Genius: Natural History Creativity: The Natural History of Creativity: 12 (Problems in the Behavioural Sciences, Series Number 12)

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Cambridge University Press, 1/12/2008
EAN 9780521485081, ISBN10: 0521485088

Paperback, 356 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.3 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Genius: The Natural History of Creativity presents a novel theory of genius and creativity, based on the personality characteristics of creative persons and geniuses. Starting with the fact that genius and creativity are related to psychopathology, it uses modern research into the causes of cognitive over-inclusiveness to suggest possible applications of these theories to creativity. Professor Eysenck reports experimental research to support these theories in their application to creativity, as well as considering the role of intelligence, social status, gender and many other factors that have been linked with genius and creativity. The theory traces creativity from DNA through personality to special cognitive processes to genius.

1. The nature of genius
2. Genius and intelligence
3. Creativity
measurement and personality correlates
4. Intuition and the unconscious
5. Conditions for excellence
6. The nature of psychopathology
7. The roots of creativity
8. From DNA to creativity and genius