Global Volcanic Hazards and Risk
Cambridge University Press, 7/24/2015
EAN 9781107111752, ISBN10: 1107111757
Hardcover, 408 pages, 27.9 x 21.6 x 2.4 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English
Originally prepared for the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, this is the first comprehensive assessment of global volcanic hazards and risk, presenting the state of the art in our understanding of global volcanic activity. It examines our assessment and management capabilities, and considers the preparedness of the global scientific community and government agencies to manage volcanic hazards and risk. Particular attention is paid to volcanic ash, the most frequent and wide-ranging volcanic hazard. Of interest to government officials, the private sector, students and researchers, this book is a key resource for the disaster risk reduction community and for those interested in volcanology and natural hazards. A non-technical summary is included for policy makers. Regional volcanic hazard profiles, with invaluable information on volcanic hazards and risk at the local, national and global scale, are provided online. This title is available as an Open Access eBook via Cambridge Books Online.
1. An introduction to global volcanic hazard and risk S. C. Loughlin, C. Vye-Brown, R. S. J. Sparks, S. K. Brown, J. Barclay, E. Calder, E. Cottrell, G. Jolly, J.-C. Komorowski, C. Mandeville, C. Newhall, J. Palma, S. Potter, G. Valentine, B. Baptie, J. Biggs, H. S. Crosweller, E. Ilyinskaya, C. Kilburn, K. Mee and M. Pritchard
2. Global volcanic hazard and risk S. K. Brown, S. C. Loughlin, R. S. J. Sparks, C. Vye-Brown, J. Barclay, E. Calder, E. Cottrell, G. Jolly, J.-C. Komorowski, C. Mandeville, C. Newhall, J. Palma, S. Potter, G. Valentine, B. Baptie, J. Biggs, H. S. Crosweller, E. Ilyinskaya, C. Kilburn, K. Mee and M. Pritchard
3. Volcanic ash fall hazard and risk S. F. Jenkins, T. M. Wilson, C. Magill, V. Miller, C. Stewart, R. Blong, W. Marzocchi, M. Boulton, C. Bonadonna and A. Costa
4. Populations around Holocene volcanoes and development of a Population Exposure Index S. K. Brown, M. R. Auker and R. S. J. Sparks
5. An integrated approach to Determining Volcanic Risk in Auckland, New Zealand
the multidisciplinary DEVORA project N. I. Deligne, J. M. Lindsay and E. Smid
6. Tephra fall hazard for the Neapolitan area W. Marzocchi, J. Selva, A. Costa, L. Sandri, R. Tonini and G. Macedonio
7. Eruptions and lahars of Mount Pinatubo, 1991–2000 C. G. Newhall and R. Solidum
8. Improving crisis decision-making at times of uncertain volcanic unrest (Guadeloupe, 1976) J.-C. Komorowski, T. Hincks, R. S. J. Sparks, W. Aspinall and CASAVA ANR project consortium
9. Forecasting the November 2010 eruption of Merapi, Indonesia J. Pallister and Surono
10. The importance of communication in hazard zone areas
case study during and after 2010 Merapi eruption, Indonesia S. Andreastuti, J. Subandriyo, S. Sumarti and D. Sayudi
11. Nyiragongo (Democratic Republic of Congo), January 2002
a major eruption in the midst of a complex humanitarian emergency J.-C. Komorowski and K. Karume
12. Volcanic ash fall impacts T. M. Wilson, S. F. Jenkins and C. Stewart
13. Health impacts of volcanic eruptions C. Horwell, P. Baxter and R. Kamanyire
14. Volcanoes and the aviation industry P. W. Webley
15. The role of volcano observatories in risk reduction G. Jolly
16. Developing effective communication tools for volcanic hazards in New Zealand, using social science G. Leonard and S. Potter
17. Volcano monitoring from space M. Poland
18. Volcanic unrest and short-term forecasting capacity J. Gottsmann
19. Global monitoring capacity
development of the Global Volcano Research and Monitoring Institutions Database and analysis of monitoring in Latin America N. Ortiz Guerrero, S. K. Brown, H. Delgado Granados and C. Lombana Criollo
20. Volcanic hazard maps E. Calder, K. Wagner and S. E. Ogburn
21. Risk assessment case history
the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat W. Aspinall and G. Wadge
22. Development of a new global Volcanic Hazard Index (VHI) M. R. Auker, R. S. J. Sparks, S. F. Jenkins, S. K. Brown, W. Aspinall, N. I. Deligne, G. Jolly, S. C. Loughlin, W. Marzocchi, C. G. Newhall and J. L. Palma
23. Global distribution of volcanic threat S. K. Brown, R. S. J. Sparks and S. F. Jenkins
24. Scientific communication of uncertainty during volcanic emergencies J. Marti
25. Volcano Disaster Assistance Program
preventing volcanic crises from becoming disasters and advancing science diplomacy J. Pallister
26. Communities coping with uncertainty and reducing their risk
the collaborative monitoring and management of volcanic activity with the VigÃÂas of Tungurahua J. Stone, J. Barclay, P. Ramon, P. Mothes and STREVA.