Health Policy in a Globalising World
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 8/8/2002
EAN 9780521804196, ISBN10: 0521804191
Hardcover, 362 pages, 23.6 x 15.7 x 2.5 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English
Increasing recognition of the impact that globalisation may be having on public health has led to widespread concern about the risks arising from emerging and re-emerging diseases, environmental degradation and demographic change. This book argues that health policy making is being affected by globalisation and that these effects are, in turn, contributing to the kind of global health issues being faced today. The book explores how the actors, context, processes and content of health policy are changing as a result of globalisation, raising concerns about growing differences in who can influence health policy, what priorities are set, what interventions are deemed appropriate and ultimately who enjoys good and bad health. Bringing together a distinguished, international group of contributors, this book covers a comprehensive range of topics and geographic regions and will be invaluable for all those interested in health, social and public policy and globalisation.
Foreword Gro Harlem Bruntland, Director General, World Health Organisation
Preface Anthony B. Zwi
Part I
1. An introduction to global health policy Kelley Lee, Suzanne Fustukian, Kent Buse
2. The public health implications of multilateral trade agreements M. Kent Ranson, Robert Beaglehole, Carlos M. Correa, Zafar Mirza, Kent Buse and Nick Drager
3. Globalisation and multilateral public-private health partnerships
issues for health policy Kent Buse and Gill Walt
4. Global solutions to local health problems
where is the evidence? The case of private health care providers in developing countries Ruairi Brugha and Anthony B. Zwi
5. Regulation in the context of global health markets Lilani Kumaranayake and Sally Lake
6. Global policy networks
the propagation of health care financing reform since the 1980s Kelley Lee and Hilary Goodman
7. The globalisation of health sector reform policies
is 'lesson drawing' part of the process? Barbara McPake
8. Cost-effectiveness analysis and priority setting
global approach without local meaning? Lilani Kumaranayake and Damian Walker
Part II
9. Global rhetoric and individual realities
linking violence against women and reproductive health Susannah Mayhew and Charlotte Watts
10. The globalisation of DOTS
tuberculosis as a global emergency John Porter, Kelley Lee and Jessica Ogden
11. Ageing and health policy
global perspectives Peter Lloyd-Sherlock
12. Workers health and safety in a globalising world Suzanne Fustukian, Dinesh Sethi and Anthony B. Zwi
13. Globalisation, conflict and the humanitarian response Anthony B. Zwi, Suzanne Fustukian and Dinesh Sethi
Part III
14. Globalisation and health policy
trends and opportunities Kent Buse, Nick Drager, Suzanne Fustukian and Kelley Lee.