Heart of Darkness (Cambridge Edition of the Works of Joseph Conrad)

Heart of Darkness (Cambridge Edition of the Works of Joseph Conrad)

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Joseph Conrad
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Annotated, 9/27/2018
EAN 9781108428897, ISBN10: 1108428894

Hardcover, 204 pages, 21.6 x 14 x 1.6 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

'I asked myself what I was doing there, with a sensation of panic in my heart as though I had blundered into a place of cruel and absurd mysteries not fit for a human being to behold'. Charles Marlow's dark intuition here arrives at the culmination of his physical and psychological quest in search of the infamous ivory-trader Kurtz in Joseph Conrad's most famous short story, Heart of Darkness. Ambiguously drawn to the powerful 'voice' of this autocratic European who has become a self-proclaimed ruler in an African colony, Marlow is increasingly embroiled in Kurtz's life and death: he is finally forced into a radical questioning, not only of his own assumptions, but also of the civilized and imperial pretensions of Western Europe. Offering a freshly-researched text based on the writer's original documents, this edition presents a classic of early modernist fiction in a version that, for the first time, recovers Conrad's preferred wordings, punctuation and narrative structure.

List of maps
A note on the text
Select bibliography
Abbreviations and note on editions
Heart of Darkness
Glossary of nautical terms.