Hegel's  Elements of the Philosophy of Right (Cambridge Critical Guides)

Hegel's Elements of the Philosophy of Right (Cambridge Critical Guides)

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Edited by David James
Cambridge University Press, 2/23/2017
EAN 9781107077928, ISBN10: 1107077923

Hardcover, 252 pages, 23.6 x 15.9 x 1.8 cm
Language: English

Hegel's Elements of the Philosophy of Right, one of the classic texts of German Idealism, is a seminal work of legal, social and political philosophy that has generated very different interpretations since its publication in 1821. Written with the advantage of historical distance, the essays in this volume adopt a fresh perspective that makes readers aware of the breadth and depth of this classic work. The themes of the essays reflect the continuing relevance of the text, and include Hegel's method, the concept of property, Hegel's view of morality, the concept of Sittlichkeit, the modern family, the nature and tensions of civil society, and the question of the modernity of the Hegelian state. The volume will be of interest to all scholars and students of German Idealism and the history of political thought.

freedom and history in Hegel's 'philosophy of right' David James
1. The method of the 'philosophy of right' Frederick Neuhouser
2. Property, use and value in Hegel's 'philosophy of right' Stephen Houlgate
3. Hegel on morality Allen W. Wood
4. Hegelian conscience as reflective equilibrium and the organic justification of 'sittlichkeit' Dean Moyar
5. Living the contradictions
wives, husbands and children in Hegel's 'philosophy of right' Kimberly Hutchings
6. 'The ethicality in civil society'
bifurcation, 'bildung' and Hegel's supersession of the aporias of social modernity Andrew Buchwalter
7. Why ethical life is fragile
rights, markets and states in Hegel's 'philosophy of right' Hans-Christoph Schmidt am Busch
8. That which makes itself
Hegel, rabble and consequences Frank Ruda
9. Practical necessity and the 'logic' of civil society David James
10. How modern is the Hegelian state? Ludwig Siep