Intro to Electronic Circuits 3ed

Intro to Electronic Circuits 3ed

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Martin Hartley Jones
Cambridge University Press
Edition: 3, 8/21/2008
EAN 9780521478793, ISBN10: 0521478790

Paperback, 548 pages, 24.7 x 17.4 x 2.8 cm
Language: English

This book provides a practically based explanation of electronics which can be understood by any reader who has some knowledge of electrical circuits. Martin Hartley Jones presents a full account of the subject, starting with basic concepts such as amplification, and progressing to analogue and digital IC chip applications, including a lucid account of microcomputers. All the topics are effectively illustrated with stimulating experiments, and the mathematics is not permitted to obscure the electronic concepts, so the book remains very readable. This book is an ideal first text for degree and vocational course students in electronics. It will also be of use to those in other disciplines where electronics is a subsidiary subject. This highly successful text is now in its third edition, and builds on its predecessors by maintaining the style and logical development of the subject.

Preface to third edition
Preface to second edition
Preface to first edition
1. Amplification and the transistor
2. The field-effect transistor
3. Thermionic valves and the cathode-ray tube
4. Negative feedback
5. Impedance matching
6. Semiconductor device characteristics
7. Amplification at high frequencies
8. Low-frequency signals, d.c. and the differential amplifier
9. Power supplies and power control
10. Pulse handling and time constants
11. Integrated circuit analogue building bricks
12. Positive feedback circuits and signal generators
13. Digital logic circuits
14. Microcomputer circuits and applications
Appendix 1. Component identification
Appendix 2. Transistor selection
Appendix 3. Op amp data
Appendix 4. Digital IC connections
Appendix 5. Interfacing to the PC