Introduction to Nanophotonics

Introduction to Nanophotonics

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Sergey V. Gaponenko
Cambridge University Press, 4/8/2010
EAN 9780521763752, ISBN10: 0521763754

Hardcover, 484 pages, 24.6 x 18.9 x 2.5 cm
Language: English

Nanophotonics is where photonics merges with nanoscience and nanotechnology, and where spatial confinement considerably modifies light propagation and light-matter interaction. Describing the basic phenomena, principles, experimental advances and potential impact of nanophotonics, this graduate-level textbook is ideal for students in physics, optical and electronic engineering and materials science. The textbook highlights practical issues, material properties and device feasibility, and includes the basic optical properties of metals, semiconductors and dielectrics. Mathematics is kept to a minimum and theoretical issues are reduced to a conceptual level. Each chapter ends in problems so readers can monitor their understanding of the material presented. The introductory quantum theory of solids and size effects in semiconductors are considered to give a parallel discussion of wave optics and wave mechanics of nanostructures. The physical and historical interplay of wave optics and quantum mechanics is traced. Nanoplasmonics, an essential part of modern photonics, is also included.

1. Introduction
Part I. Electrons and Electromagnetic Waves in Nanostructures
2. Basic properties of waves and quantum particles
3. Wave optics versus wave mechanics I
4. Electrons in periodic structures and quantum confinement effects
5. Semiconductor nanocrystals (quantum dots)
6. Nanoplasmonics I
metal nanoparticles
7. Light in periodic structures
photonic crystals
8. Light in non-periodic structures
9. Photonic circuitry
10. Tunneling of light
11. Nanoplasmonics II
metal-dielectric nanostructures
12. Wave optics versus wave mechanics II
Part II. Light–Matter Interaction in Nanostructures
13. Light–matter interaction
14. Density of states effects on optical processes
15. Light–matter interaction beyond perturbational approach
16. Plasmonic enhancement of secondary radiation

'Sergey Gaponenko has produced a breathtaking and timely book that is just perfect for graduate-level students, or for the senior person wanting to know more about the field. The book has just the right tone and covers the material with an experimental focus hitherto not seen.' Jonathan P. Dowling, Louisiana State University