Jeremiah the Prophet of Hope

Jeremiah the Prophet of Hope

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Dorothea Stephen
Cambridge University Press, 2/4/2016
EAN 9781316509579, ISBN10: 1316509575

Paperback, 88 pages, 17.8 x 12.7 x 0.5 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Originally published in 1923, this book was intended to aid the general reader in gaining a clearer understanding of the story of Jeremiah. Making 'no pretence to detailed criticism or wide research', the text provides an accessible introduction to Jeremiah to be read alongside the Bible. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in biblical studies and Jeremiah.

1. First period, 626–608 BC. The reign of Josiah
2. Second period, 608–604 BC. Jehoahaz and the first four years of Jehoiachim
3. Third period, 604–597 BC. The last seven years of Jehoiachim
4. Fourth period, 597–587 BC. The reign of Zedekiah till the siege
5. Fifth period, 587–586 BC. The siege and fall of Jerusalem
6. Sixth period, 586 BC and after. The flight to Egypt
The various oracles of the book of Jeremiah.