Laboratory Experimentation in Economics: Six Points of View
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 3/3/1988
EAN 9780521333924, ISBN10: 052133392X
Hardcover, 230 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.4 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English
Testing economic propositions in laboratory experiments has proven a very fruitful research endeavor in recent years. This volume brings together the major contributors to experimental economics. The papers present their views on the way experiments should be done, on the power and limitations of the techniques, and on the areas in which experimentation could contribute substantially to our understanding of economic behavior. This book distills the main lessons from great experience in experimental work. It will be essential reading for all who wish to follow experimental work or who wish to do such work themselves.
1. Introduction and overview Alvin E. Roth
2. Bargaining phenomena and bargaining theory Alvin E. Roth
3. Equity and coalition bargaining in experimental three-person games Reinhard Selten
4. The psychology of choice and the assumptions of economics Richard Thaler
5. Hypothetical valuations and preference reversals in the context of asset trading Marc Knez and Vernon L. Smith
6. Economics according to the rats (and pigeons too)
what have we learned and what can we hope to learn? John H. Kagel
7. Dimensions of parallelism
some policy applications of experimental methods Charles R. Plott.