Menopause: The State of the Art- Research and Practice

Menopause: The State of the Art- Research and Practice

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CRC Press, 12/20/2002
EAN 9781842141601, ISBN10: 1842141600

Hardcover, 540 pages, 25.4 x 19.7 x 3.8 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Plenary papers: Non-genomic steroid receptor signalling: when myth becomes truth; Status report on use of tamoxifen to prevent breast cancer; Hormone replacement in survivors of reproductive cancerThe role of androgens and progestins in the climacteric:Anti-androgenic progestins in hormone replacement therapy; Androgenic modulation of the immune response; Androgens and breast cancer risk; Clinical features of an antiprogestinClinical prospects of progesterone receptor modulatorsAndrogens and aging: the dawning of a new ageBreast and reproductive cancer: relation to hormones:Interaction of epithelial, endothelial and stromal cells during growth invasion and metastasis of breast tumors; The pathway by which estrogens induce breast; Progesterone and progestins: risk or protection?; Hormones and breast cancer; Managing menopause after breast cancerMetalloproteinases; Progestins and breast tissue response: the risks; Familiar reproductive cancer: implications for horm one replacement therapyRisks of non-reproductive cancer: relation to hormone therapy:Sex steroid therapy and colon cancer; Melanoma: risks of non-reproductive cancer and relationship to hormone replacement therapyPrevention of osteoporosis:Hormone replacement therapy and prevention of fractures: is age of starting therapy important?; Bone loss in pre- and perimenopause; Ethnicity and lifestyle: impact on reproductive hormones and bone density; Fast and slow bone loss: diagnostic and therapeutic implications in osteoporosisThe cardiovascular system and gender:Arterial vasomotor function and clinical perspectives; Blood flow and hemostasis; Role of thrombin receptor in atherosclerosis and thrombosis: effect of sex steroids; Atherosclerosis and acute coronary syndromes in women; Observational and randomized controlled studies of secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease; The effects of estradiol and androgens on cardiovascular disease risk factors and bone density; Effects of estrogens on hemostasisCerebral senescence and menopause management:A unifying mechanism of estrogen-mediated neuroprotection: convergence on mitochondrial function; Estrogen effects on microglia and immune checkpoint proteins in the brain; Estrogen and the brain: implications for menopause management; Gender differences in psychopathology; Electrophysiological neuroimaging of age-related cognitive decline and hormone replacement therapy; Cellular senescence and estrogen; DoctorsE attitudes to women with climacteric symptoms; Schizophrenia and estrogens; Neurological disorders and estrogen: memory impairment, stroke, AlzheimerEs disease and ParkinsonEs diseaseThe skin, musculoskeletal disease and climacteric aging:Delayed wound healing, altered collagen level, and keratinocyte growth factor expression in skin of ovariectomized rat is normalized by estrogen or chemically modified doxycycline; Estrogens and skin repair; Skin collagen: metabolism, pathology an d clinical aspects; Pathogenesis of osteoarthritis; The eye and impact of the climacteric:Retinovascular disease and hormone replacement therapy; Sexual hormones and eye functionNew treatments of obesity:Gene therapy for appetite and body weight regulation: all in the brain; Leptin in postmenopausal women; Redistribution of central body fat: a plea for androgen replacement?; Impact of hormone replacement therapy on body energy homeostasisPhytoestrogens, phyto-SERMS and endocrine disruptors:Soy phytoestrogens (isoflavones) for estrogen replacement therapy: strengths and weaknesses; Phytoestrogens: dangerous drugs or soft hormones?; Endocrine disruptors: environmental estrogenic compounds; Psychosocial evaluation of the climactericHow to assess quality of life?; Quality of life as assessed by menopause-related scales; The aging maleEs symptoms scaleReproductive aging:Endocrinology of reproductive aging and the menopausal transiti