Migration and Diaspora in Modern Asia (New Approaches to Asian History)

Migration and Diaspora in Modern Asia (New Approaches to Asian History)

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Sunil S. Amrith
Cambridge University Press, 3/14/2011
EAN 9780521898355, ISBN10: 0521898358

Hardcover, 240 pages, 22.8 x 15.2 x 1.8 cm
Language: English

Migration is at the heart of Asian history. For centuries migrants have tracked the routes and seas of their ancestors - merchants, pilgrims, soldiers and sailors - along the Silk Road and across the Indian Ocean and the China Sea. Over the last 150 years, however, migration within Asia and beyond has been greater than at any other time in history. Sunil S. Amrith's engaging and deeply informative book crosses a vast terrain, from the Middle East to India and China, tracing the history of modern migration. Animated by the voices of Asian migrants, it tells the stories of those forced to flee from war and revolution, and those who left their homes and their families in search of a better life. These stories of Asian diasporas can be joyful or poignant, but they all speak of an engagement with new landscapes and new peoples.

1. Asia's great migrations, 1850–1930
2. The making of Asian diasporas, 1850–1930
3. War, revolution, and refugees, 1930–1950
4. Migration, development, and the Asian city, 1950–1970
5. Asian migrants in the age of globalization, 1970–2010.