Religion in Republican Italy: 33 (Yale Classical Studies, Series Number 33)
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 12/14/2006
EAN 9780521863667, ISBN10: 052186366X
Hardcover, 314 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.2 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English
This book explores how recent findings and research provide a richer understanding of religious activities in Republican Rome and contemporary central Italic societies, including the Etruscans, during the period of the Middle and Late Republic. While much recent research has focused on the Romanization of areas outside Italy in later periods, this volume investigates religious aspects of the Romanization of the Italian peninsula itself. The essays strive to integrate literary evidence with archaeological and epigraphic material as they consider the nexus of religion and politics in early Italy; the impact of Roman institutions and practices on Italic society; the reciprocal impact of non-Roman practices and institutions on Roman custom; and the nature of 'Roman', as opposed to 'Latin', 'Italic', or 'Etruscan', religion in the period in question. The resulting volume illuminates many facets of religious praxis in Republican Italy, while at the same time complicating the categories we use to discuss it.
Introduction Celia E. Schultz and Paul B. Harvey, Jr
1. Reconsidering 'religious Romanization' Fay Glinister
2. In search of the Etruscan priestess
a reexamination of the hatrencu Lesley E. Lundeen
3. Etruscan religion at the watershed
before and after the fourth century BCE Jean MacIntosh Turfa
4. Religious locales in the territory of Minturnae
some aspects of Romanization Valentina Livi
5. Religion and memory at Pisaurum Paul B. Harvey, Jr
6. Inventing the sortilegus
lot divination and cultural identity in Italy, Rome, and the provinces W. E. Klingshirn
7. Hot, cold, or smelly
the power of sacred water in Roman religion Ingrid Edlund-Berry
8. Religion and politics
did the Romans scruple about the placement of their temples? John Muccigrosso
9. Juno Sospita and Roman insecurity in the Social War Celia E. Schultz
10. Beyond Rome and Latium
Roman religion in the Age of Augustus A. E. Cooley
translation of the Ludi Saeculares dossier A. E. Cooley.