Rethinking Race in Modern Argentina
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 3/21/2016
EAN 9781107107632, ISBN10: 1107107636
Hardcover, 400 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 3.2 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English
This book reconsiders the relationship between race and nation in Argentina during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries and places Argentina firmly in dialog with the literature on race and nation in Latin America, from where it has long been excluded or marginalized for being a white, European exception in a mixed-race region. The contributors, based both in North America and Argentina, hail from the fields of history, anthropology, and literary and cultural studies. Their essays collectively destabilize widespread certainties about Argentina, showing that whiteness in that country has more in common with practices and ideologies of Mestizaje and 'racial democracy' elsewhere in the region than has typically been acknowledged. The essays also situate Argentina within the well-established literature on race, nation, and whiteness in world regions beyond Latin America (particularly, other European 'settler societies'). The collection thus contributes to rethinking race for other global contexts as well.
the shades of the nation Paulina L. Alberto and Eduardo Elena
1. Insecure whiteness
Jews between civilization and barbarism, 1880s–1940s Sandra McGee Deutsch
2. People as landscape
the representation of the Criollo interior in early tourist literature in Argentina, 1920–30 Oscar Chamosa
3. Black in Buenos Aires
the transnational career of Oscar Alemán Matthew B. Karush
4. La Cocina Criolla
a history of food and race in twentieth-century Argentina Rebekah E. Pite
5. 'Invisible Indians', 'Degenerate Descendants'
idiosyncrasies of Mestizaje in Southern Patagonia Mariela Eva RodrÃÂguez
6. Race and class through the visual culture of Peronism Ezequiel Adamovsky
7. Argentina in black and white
race, Peronism, and the color of politics, 1940s to the present Eduardo Elena
8. African descent and whiteness in Buenos Aires
impossible Mestizajes in the white capital city Lea Geler
9. The savage outside of white Argentina Gastón Gordillo
10. Between foreigners and heroes
Asian-Argentines in a multicultural nation Chisu Teresa Ko
11. Indias blancas, negros febriles
racial stories and history-making in contemporary Argentine fiction Paulina L. Alberto
whiteness and its discontents George Reid Andrews.