Sainthood in the Later Middle Ages

Sainthood in the Later Middle Ages

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Andri Vauchez
Cambridge University Press
Edition: New Ed, 6/13/2014
EAN 9780521619813, ISBN10: 0521619815

Paperback, 100 pages, 23.4 x 15.6 x 4.1 cm
Language: English
Originally published in French

This is a standard work of reference for the study of the religious history of western Christianity in the later middle ages which, since its original publication in French in 1981, has come to be regarded as one of the great contributions to medieval studies of recent times. Hagiographical texts and reports of the processes of canonisation - a mode of investigation into saints' lives and their miracles implemented by the popes from the end of the twelfth century - are here used for the first time as major source materials. The book illuminates the main features of the medieval religious mind, and highlights the popes' attempts to gain firmer control over the wide variety of expressions of faith towards the saints in order to promote a higher pattern of devotion and moral behaviour among Christians.

Book 1. The church and the cult of the saints in the medieval west
Part 1. Control of the Cult of the Saints from its Origins to the Thirteenth Century
1. Late antiquity and the early middle ages
'vox populi' and episcopal power (third to tenth century)
2 .Towards papal reservation of the right of canonisation (eleventh to thirteenth centuries)
3. The process of canonisation from its origins to its classical form (c. 1200 to c. 1270)
4. The evolution of the role of canonisation
from control to selection
5. 'Sancti' and 'beati'
Part 2
The Rise of the Cult of the Saints and the Assertion of 'Modern' Sanctity
6. The role of the papacy
7. The role of the regulars
8. The secular clergy and the laity
the cult of the saints between universalist aims and the rise of particularism
Book 2. Typology of medieval sanctity
Part 1. Popular Sanctity and Local Sanctity
9. Popular sanctity
10. Local sanctity
Part 2. Official Sanctity
Forms and Criteria of Christian Perfection According to Processes of Canonisation
11. Typology of official sanctity
quantitative aspects
12. Forms of sanctity and ways of life
13. The evolution of the criteria of sanctity from the late twelfth to the early fifteenth centuries
the Roman church faced with popular and local sanctity
a silent rejection
Book 3. The signs and significations of sanctity
Part 1. The Manifestations and Effects of Sanctity in the Popular Mind
14. 'Virtus'
the language of the body
15. The structures and expansion of the field of the miraculous
Part 2. The Roman Church and Sanctity
16. The Holy See and the critique of miracles
17. Life and virtues of the saints in the processes of canonisation
the hagiographical mentality and the popular mind
General conclusion
List of sources
Bibliographical update
Index of places
Index of persons
Subject index.

'A monumental work of scholarship, of vital importance for an understanding of church, popular piety, and sainthood in the high and late Middle Ages.' Richard Kieckhefer, Northwestern University