Scientific and Philosophical Perspectives in Neuroethics

Scientific and Philosophical Perspectives in Neuroethics

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 2/18/2010
EAN 9780521703031, ISBN10: 0521703034

Paperback, 418 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

While neuroscience has provided insights into the structure and function of nervous systems, hard questions remain about the nature of consciousness, mind, and self. Perhaps the most difficult questions involve the meaning of neuroscientific information, and how to pursue and utilize neuroscientific knowledge in ways that are consistent with some construal of social 'good'. Written for researchers and graduate students in neuroscience and bioethics, Scientific and Philosophical Perspectives in Neuroethics explores important developments in neuroscience and neurotechnology, and addresses the philosophical, ethical, and social issues and problems that such advancements generate. It examines three core questions. First, what is the scope and direction of neuroscientific inquiry? Second, how has progress to date affected scientific and philosophical ideas, and finally, what ethical issues and problems does this progress and knowledge incur, both now and in the future?

Foreword Neil Levy
Introduction James J. Giordano
1. Developments in neuroscience
where have we been, where are we going? D. F. Swaab
2. Origins of the modern concept of neuroscience
Wilhelm Wundt, empiricism, and idealism - implications for contemporary neuroethics Niko Kohls and Roland Benedikter
3. On the cusp
the hard problem of neuroscience and its practical implications Ralph D. Ellis
4. The mind-body issue Dieter Birnbacher
5. Personal identity and the nature of the self Paolo Costa
6. Religious issues and the question of moral autonomy Antonio Autiero and Lucia Galvagni
7. Toward a cognitive neurobiology of the moral virtues Paul M. Churchland
8. From a neurophilosophy of pain, to a neuroethics of pain care James J. Giordano
9. Transplantation and xenotransplantation
ethics of cell therapy in the brain revisited Gerard J. Boer
10. Neurogenetics and ethics
how scientific frameworks can better inform ethics Kevin FitzGerald and Rachel Wurzman
11. Neuroimaging
thinking in pictures John VanMeter
12. Can we read minds? Ethical challenges and responsibilities in the use of neuroimaging research Eric Racine, Emily Bell and Judy Illes
13. Possibilities, limits, and implications of brain-computer interfacing technologies Thilo Hinterberger
14. Neural engineering
the ethical challenges ahead Bert Gordijn and Alena M. Buyx
15. Neurotechnology as a public good
probity, policy, and how to get there from here Alexis M. Jeannotte, Kathryn N. Schiller, Leah M. Reeves, Evan G. DeRenzo and Dennis K. McBride
16. Globalization - pluralist concerns and contexts
shaping international policy in neuroethics Robert H. Blank
17. The human condition and strivings to flourish
treatments, enhancements, science and society Adriana Gini and James J. Giordano
18. The limits of neurotalk Matthew B. Crawford
Afterword Walter Glannon