Scrutiny 1937-38 (Scrutiny: A Quarterly Review 20 Volume Paperback Set 1932-53)

Scrutiny 1937-38 (Scrutiny: A Quarterly Review 20 Volume Paperback Set 1932-53)

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F.R. Leavis
Cambridge University Press, 12/22/2008
EAN 9780521067751, ISBN10: 0521067758

Paperback, 488 pages, 21.6 x 14 x 3.1 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Scrutiny was first issued quarterly from Cambridge between 1932 and 1953, the principal editor throughout being Dr Leavis. It is now recognized as a formative influence on English intellectual and cultural life worthy to rank with the great reviews of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This reissue is of the 1963 combined set, including a final volume containing an important Retrospect by Dr Leavis and a substantial analytical index. Scrutiny offers an almost complete critical history of English literature from Chaucer to the mid-twentieth century. Medieval literature, Shakespeare, the seventeenth-century poets, Pope, Dryden, Johnson, the great romantics, the Victorians, and nearly all the important modern writers are seriously examined. Many of the articles have become classics, and resulted in revisions of previously accepted views. An important feature of Scrutiny, still of great interest, is the book review section, where many of the important books of the time, and some of the pretentious ones too, were reviewed as they appeared.

Volume 6 No. 1 June 1937:The Great Reviews
Othello and the Mangold-Wurzels
Literacy in the U.S.S.R
The Religious Problem in Hopkins
Literary Criticism and Philosophy
A Reply
Comments and Reviews
Mrs. Woolf and Life
A New Symphony
Poetry in 1936
Mediaeval Scots Poetry, Scottish Poetry from Barbour to James VI
Detachment From Social Norms, The Psychology of Social Norms
Orpheus Britannicus, Purcell
New England Culture, The Flowering of New England
A French Critic, Histoire de la Litterature Francaise de 1789 a nos jours
Drama and Society in the Age of Jonson
Volume 6 No. 2 September 1937
Restoration Comedy
The Reality and the Myth
The Cultural Background of Intelligence Testing
The Great Reviews (II)
Abraham Cowley and the Decline of Metaphysical Poetry
Literary Criticism and Philosophy
Christopher Dawson and 'Arena'
Comments and Reviews
Mass Observation
'The Marxian Analysis,' The Mind in Chains and Education, Capitalist and Socialist
The Arts in Totalitarian Russia, Seven Soviet Arts
The Modern Mind
Advanced Verbal Education, The Philosophy of Rhetoric and Scepticism and Poetry
Teaching Poetry
The State of Farming, Farming England
What Science Stands For
Tuesday's Hash
The Recognition of Isaac Rosenberg, The Complete Works of Isaac Rosenberg
Id Quod Visum Placet? Art and Understanding
Volume 6 No. 3 December 1937
Education by Book Club?
The Role of the Onlooker
Diabolic Intellect and the Noble Hero
A Note on Othello
Jean Wiener and Music for Entertainment
Revengers against Time
Comments and Reviews
Trahison des Clercs, Gide's Retour and Retouches
Chinese Poets and Others
The Fall of the City
Vitality in Social Surveys, Middletown in Transition and May the Twelfth
A Plan for Public Taste, Industrial Art in England
There's Only One Sturt, The Carpenter's Shop
G.B.S. and the Problem of Music Criticism, London Music in 1888-99 As Heard by Corno di Bassetto
The Case of Miss Dorothy Sayers
Elizabethan Reading Matter and Elizabethan Literature, Middle-Class Culture in Elizabethan England
Shakespeare and Mediaeval Thought, Shakespeare's Philosophical Patterns
'The Book of the Week,' Daylight and Champaign
The Wild, Untutored Phoenix, Phoenix
Volume 6 No. 4 March 1938
The Modern Universities
A Letter from Ireland
The Composer and Civilisation
Notes on the Later Work of Gabriel Faure
'The Revenger's Tragedy' and the Morality Tradition
Comments and Reviews
The Illusion of Cogency, Illusion and Reality
The End and the Means, The Poetry of Pope
Lives and Works of Richard Jefferies
Shakespeare's Last Plays
Introspection, French Introspectives
Bunyan Through Modern Eyes
Philosophy and the Physicists
Science and Social Welfare in the Age of Newton
The Year's Poetry, 1937
Books on Music.