SLA Applied: Connecting Theory and Practice
Cambridge University Press, 5/20/2021
EAN 9781108471824, ISBN10: 110847182X
Hardcover, 420 pages, 24.9 x 19.8 x 2.5 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English
This singular new textbook is both an introduction to the major theories of second language acquisition and a practical proposal for their application to language learning courses. It explains and evaluates these theories, and focuses on recent research that has enriched thinking about the best ways to facilitate communicative effectiveness in an L2. It then suggests practical applications regarding language planning, curriculum development, pedagogy, materials development, teacher development, and assessment, establishing a tangible connection between theory and practice. Unlike many SLA books which are narrowly focused on the acquisition of language, it explores the roles of factors such as pragmatics, para-linguistic signals, gesture, semiotics, multi-modality, embodied language, and brain activity in L2 communication. SLA Applied connects research-based theories to the authors' and students' real-life experiences in the classroom, and stimulates reflection and creativity through the inclusion of Readers' Tasks in every chapter. This engaging and relevant text is suitable for students in Applied Linguistics or TESOL courses, trainee teachers, researchers, and practitioners.
1. Input
2. Intake Part One – Theory
3. Intake Part Two – The Application of Theory to Learning
4. Further Processing, Acquisition and Development
5. Recognition, Recall, Rehearsal and Retrieval
6. Comprehension of the L2
7. Production and Monitoring of the L2
8. Auto-Input
9. Some Salient Issues in SLA Research