Solar and Stellar Flares and their Effects on Planets (IAU S320) (Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Symposia and Colloquia)

Solar and Stellar Flares and their Effects on Planets (IAU S320) (Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Symposia and Colloquia)

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 9/22/2016
EAN 9781107137578, ISBN10: 1107137578

Hardcover, 470 pages, 25.4 x 18 x 2 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Recent advances in observations and modelling of solar and stellar flares have opened up new perspectives for understanding the fundamental physical mechanisms of magnetic energy storage and release, particle acceleration, and their radiative and dynamical processes. New interest in this topic is stimulated by Kepler observations and the discovery of superflares on solar-type stars, which raises questions about the possibility of such flares on the Sun, and the potential effects of superflares on terrestrial and extraterrestrial planets, including their impact on the origin and evolution of life. IAU Symposium 320 discusses the recent advances in observations and theories of solar and stellar flares, focusing on the understanding of their phenomenological and physical aspects, as well as consequences for terrestrial planets and exoplanets. This volume will be useful to researchers of all levels working in this fascinating and rapidly developing field of astronomy.

1. Introduction
2. Multi-wavelength observations of solar flares
3. Advances in observations of stellar flares
4. Magnetic field structure and dynamics of flaring regions
5. Flares and plasma eruptions
6. Particle acceleration and transport
7. Comparison of solar and stellar flares
8. Solar and stellar magnetic activity
9. Flares and star-planet interaction
10. New frontiers in solar and stellar flares and research programs.