Strabonis Geographica: Graece cum versione reficta (Cambridge Library Collection - Classics)

Strabonis Geographica: Graece cum versione reficta (Cambridge Library Collection - Classics)

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Cambridge University Press, 3/5/2015
EAN 9781108080101, ISBN10: 1108080103

Paperback, 1082 pages, 25.4 x 17.8 x 5.4 cm
Language: Latin
Originally published in Greek

The Greek geographer and historian Strabo is known chiefly for this remarkable description of the known world in the early decades of the Roman Empire. The range and importance of the text ensured its copying and distribution in the medieval period, and multiple printed editions appeared later. Reissued here is the version published by the influential French publishing house Didot in 1853 as part of their series of Greek classics. It was prepared by the German classical scholars Karl Wilhelm Ludwig Müller (1813–94) and Johann Friedrich Dübner (1802–67). Müller's two-volume collection of the writings of lesser-known Greek geographers, Geographi Graeci Minores (1855–61), is also reissued in this series. The full text of Strabo's seventeen books is presented here in Greek with a parallel Latin translation as well as variant readings. Also included are several maps and a substantial index of names and places.

Libri I–XVII
Index nominum rerumque
Index variae lectionis