Studies in Tudor and Stuart Politics and Government: Volume 4, Papers and Reviews 1982–1990: 004 (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern)

Studies in Tudor and Stuart Politics and Government: Volume 4, Papers and Reviews 1982–1990: 004 (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern)

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G. R. Elton
Cambridge University Press
Edition: 1st Edition, 10/1/1992
EAN 9780521418324, ISBN10: 0521418321

Hardcover, 332 pages, 21.6 x 14 x 2.2 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

This collection features the publication of Sir Geoffrey Elton's articles and reviews, published between 1982 and 1990, in continuation of three previous volumes. Volume IV contains a group of pieces on sixteenth-century government and politics, and more especially on aspects of the Reformation, on the continent as well as in England, with some attention to Martin Luther and an essay on Lancelot Andrewes. Several pieces deal with parliament under the Tudors. A second group, 'on Historians', reprints an appraisal of Sir Herbert Butterfield and three substantial reviews on historiographical problems.

Part I. Politics and the Reformation
Part II. On Historians
Index of authors cited
General index.