Surgical Critical Care: For the MRCS OSCE

Surgical Critical Care: For the MRCS OSCE

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Mazyar Kanani, Simon Lammy
Cambridge University Press
Edition: 3, 2/4/2021
EAN 9781108702546, ISBN10: 1108702546

Paperback, 360 pages, 18.5 x 12.2 x 1.8 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

This updated book continues the ABCDE chapter format from the second edition, incorporating an escalating level of diagnostic and management complexity and a concise bibliography in each chapter. It remains demarcated into two sections: the first (e.g. ABCDE chapters) equips surgical trainees in managing non-ICU-based patients, whilst the second provides a basic introduction to ICU care. The chapters introduce standard definitions, pathological processes, diagnostic features and common management plans. These are based on a range of updated recommended guidelines from NICE and SIGN and common ALS principles in critical care patients, as well as current ATLS® and CCrISP® standards. The most common causes of systemic complications in surgical patients are explained, e.g. updated sections on sepsis and major haemorrhage protocols, to name but a few. A must-have revision guide for all surgical trainees, from final-year medical students through to junior surgical registrars.

Part I. Ward Care
1. Airway
2. Breathing
3. Circulation
4. Disability
5. Exposure
Part II. Intensive Care
6. Intensive Care Unit.