Textbook of Disaster Psychiatry

Textbook of Disaster Psychiatry

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: 2, 5/23/2017
EAN 9781107138490, ISBN10: 1107138493

Hardcover, 364 pages, 25.9 x 19.6 x 2.8 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Covering both natural and man-made scenarios including war and terrorism, the Textbook of Disaster Psychiatry is a vital international reference for medical professionals, community leaders and disaster responders a decade after its initial publication. Spanning a decade of advances in disaster psychiatry, this new and updated second edition brings together the views of current international experts to offer a cutting-edge comprehensive review of the psychological, biological and social responses to disaster, in order to help prepare, react and aid effective recovery. Topics range from the epidemiology of disaster response, disaster ecology, the neurobiology of disaster exposure, to socio-cultural issues, early intervention and consultation-liaison care for injured victims. The role of non-governmental organizations, workplace policies and the implications for public health planning at both an individual and community level are also addressed.

Part I. Introduction
1. Individual and community responses to disasters Robert J. Ursano, Carol S. Fullerton, Lars Weisaeth and Beverley Raphael
Part II. Foundations of Disaster Psychiatry
2. Epidemiology of disaster mental health
the foundation for disaster mental health Carol S. North
3. Disaster ecology James M. Shultz, Sandro Galea, Zelde Espinel and Dori B. Reissman
4. Neurobiology of disaster exposure
fear, anxiety, trauma, and resilience Lynnette A. Averill, Rebecca P. Smith, Craig L. Katz, Dennis S. Charney and Steven M. Southwick
5. Trajectories of health, resilience, and illness Spruha Joshi and Magdalena Cerdá
Part III. Clinical Care and Interventions
6. Early interventions for trauma-related problems Patricia J. Watson
7. Acute stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder David M. Benedek and Gary H. Wynn
8. Psychiatric aspects of medical-surgical disaster care Phebe Tucker and Ruchi Aggarwal
9. Collaborative care interventions for acutely injured survivors of individual and mass trauma Kirsten Sandgren, Ella Jarvik, Doyanne Darnell and Douglas Zatzick
Part IV. Special Topics
10. International disaster response Virginia Murray, Richard Williams and Sarb Johal
11. Risk communication in disasters
promoting resilience Daniel Dodgen, William Herbert and Rachel Kaul
12. The unintended consequences of disaster-related media coverage Pauline Lubens and E. Alison Holman
13. Terrorism
mass disruption and killing Joshua C. Morganstein, Robert J. Ursano, Carol S. Fullerton and Harry C. Holloway
14. Children and families responding to disaster and bereavement Gloria J. L. Whaley, William L. Cohen and Stephen J. Cozza
15. Disaster workers
exposure to mass and traumatic death James E. McCarroll and Quinn Biggs
16. Health care planning for community disaster care Richard Williams, Jonathan I. Bisson and Verity Kemp
17. Workplace and organizational disasters
response and planning Lars Weisaeth and Trond Heir
18. Pandemics
health care emergencies Joshua C. Morganstein, Carol S. Fullerton, Robert J. Ursano, Darrin Donato and Harry C. Holloway
19. Leadership in disasters Brian W. Flynn, Prudence Bushnell and Nicole Lurie
20. Nuclear disaster response Jun Shigemura, Nahoko Harada, Masaaki Tanichi, Masanori Nagamine, Kunio Shimizu and Aihide Yoshino
21. Ethical issues in disaster psychiatry Edmund G. Howe and Elana Newman
Part V. Public Health and Disaster Psychiatry
22. Public health and disaster mental health
preparing, responding, and recovering Carol S. Fullerton, Robert J. Ursano, Lars Weisaeth and Beverley Raphael