The Altars and Altarpieces of New St. Peter's: Outfitting the Basilica, 1621–1666 (Monuments of Papal Rome)

The Altars and Altarpieces of New St. Peter's: Outfitting the Basilica, 1621–1666 (Monuments of Papal Rome)

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Louise Rice
Cambridge University Press, 4/9/1998
EAN 9780521554701, ISBN10: 0521554705

Hardcover, 496 pages, 29.2 x 22.9 x 3.2 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Following the completion of the construction of new St. Peter's in the second decade of the seventeenth century, a series of monumental altarpieces was commissioned to decorate its altars. The leading artists of the day contributed to the project - among them Algardi, Bernini, Cortona, Domenichino, Guercino, Lanfaranco, Poussin, Sacchi, Vouet, and Valentin - and the works they produced include some of the most celebrated masterpieces of the Roman Baroque. Here for the first time the altarpieces of St. Peter's are considered collectively, within the liturgical and artistic programme of the building as a whole. Louise Rice takes a comprehensive approach to this critical chapter in the history of Italian Baroque art, offering insight into the mechanisms, motives, and meanings of papal patronage in the premier church of Catholicism.

Part I. The Early History of the Altars in St Peter's
1. The congregation and the Chapter
2. From Old to New St. Peter's
3. Gregory XV and the St. Petronilla Altarpiece
Part II. The Altars under Urban VIII
4. Towards a comprehensive project for the altars and altarpieces
5. The dedications of the altars
6. The project realised
7. The Sopraporti
Part III. The Commissions
8. Patronage during the Barberini Pontificate
9. Artists at work
Documentary appendix
Archival and manuscript sources cited
List of illustrations.