The Ancient Aesthetics of Deception: The Ethics of Enchantment from Gorgias to Heliodorus

The Ancient Aesthetics of Deception: The Ethics of Enchantment from Gorgias to Heliodorus

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Jonas Grethlein
Cambridge University Press, 9/16/2021
EAN 9781316518816, ISBN10: 1316518817

Hardcover, 332 pages, 24.1 x 16.5 x 2.5 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

The concept of mimesis has dominated reflection on the nature and role, in Greek literature, of representation. Jonas Grethlein, in his ambitious new book, takes this reflection a step further. He argues that, beyond mimesis, there was an important but unacknowledged strand of reflection focused instead on the nuanced idea of apatē (often translated into English as 'deceit'), oscillating between notions of 'deception' and 'aesthetic illusion'. Many authors from Gorgias and Plato to Philo, Plutarch and Clement of Alexandria used this key concept to entwine aesthetics with ethics. In creatively exploring the various reconfigurations of apatē, and placing these in their socio-historical contexts, the book offers a bold new history of ancient aesthetics. It also explores the present significance of the aesthetics of deception, unlocking the potential of ancient reflection for current debates on the ethical dimension of representation. It will appeal to scholars in classics and literary theory alike.

1. Gorgias and the justice of tragic apatē
2. The circulation and significance of apatē in the Classical era
3. The dramatic entanglement of aesthetic illusion with deceit in Sophocles' Electra
4. Immersion and corruption in Plato's Republic
5. The void of Hellenistic criticism
6. The appeal and challenge of apatē in Imperial criticism
Plutarch's De audiendis poetis
7. Lucian and the spell of philosophy
8. How to read ekphrasis
Tabula Cebetis
9. Christian polemics against idolatry
Clement of Alexandria's Protrepticus
10. The aesthetics of deception reconfigured in Heliodorus' Ethiopica
11. From deep-fake to psychotherapy
The aesthetics of deception today.