The Behavioral Neurology of Dementia
Cambridge University Press, 2011-03-17
EAN 9781107629998, ISBN10: 1107629993
Paperback, 418 pages, 24.6 x 24.6 x 18.9 cm
The Behavioral Neurology of Dementia is a comprehensive textbook that offers a unique and modern approach to the diagnosis and treatment of patients with dementing conditions in the twenty-first century. The coverage is broad, ranging from common conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinsonian disorders, vascular and frontotemporal dementia, to the more obscure such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Subtypes of mild cognitive impairment are presented and the early prodromes of neurodegenerative diseases are explored. Simple approaches to bedside mental status testing, differential diagnosis and treatment, genetic testing, interpreting neuropsychological testing and neuroimaging findings, and assessing rapidly progressive dementias, paraneoplastic syndromes and disorders of white matter give guidance to both the novice and expert in dementia. The basic science of dementia is outlined in introductory chapters on animal models of dementia, dementia epidemiology and dementia neuropathology.