The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy)

The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy)

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Cambridge University Press, 6/23/2014
EAN 9780521192767, ISBN10: 0521192765

Hardcover, 488 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.7 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics is the first and arguably most important treatise on ethics in Western philosophy. It remains to this day a compelling reflection on the best sort of human life and continues to inspire contemporary thought and debate. This Cambridge Companion includes twenty essays by leading scholars of Aristotle and ancient philosophy that cover the major issues of this text. The essays in this volume shed light on Aristotle's rigorous and challenging thinking on questions such as: can there be a practical science of ethics? What is happiness? Are we responsible for our character? How does moral virtue relate to good thinking? Can we act against our reasoned choice? What is friendship? Is the contemplative life the highest kind of life? Covering all sections of the Nicomachean Ethics and selected topics in Aristotle's Eudemian Ethics and Protrepticus, this volume offers the reader a solid foundation in Aristotle's ethical philosophy.

1. Introduction
ethics as practical science Ron Polansky
2. Beginning with eudaimonia C. D. C. Reeve
3. Happiness and the external goods T. D. Roche
4. Why is Aristotle's virtue of character a mean? Taking Aristotle at his word (NE II.6) Lesley Brown
5. Choice and moral responsibility (NE III.1–5) Susanne Bobzien
6. Courage and temperance Giles Pearson
7. The social virtues (NE IV) Helen Cullyer
8. Giving justice its due Ron Polansky
9. The book on wisdom Carolo Natali
10. Phronesis and the virtues (NE VI.12–13) Daniel Russell
11. Was Aristotle a Humean? A partisan guide to the debate Jessica Moss
12. Aristotle's analysis of akratic action Hendrik Lorenz
13. Philosophical virtue
in defense of the grand end Kristen Inglis
14. The Nicomachean Ethics on pleasure Verity Harte
15. Finding oneself with friends Patrick Miller
16. Competing ways of life and ring-composition (NE X.6–8) Thornton Lockwood
17. The relationship between Aristotle's ethical and political discourses (NE X.9) Rachana Kamtekar
18. Protreptic aspects of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics D. S. Hutchinson and Monte Ransome Johnson
19. The Eudemian Ethics and its controversial relationship to the Nicomachean Ethics Lawrence Jost
20. Topical bibliography to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics Thornton Lockwood.