The Cambridge Companion to Gadamer (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy)

The Cambridge Companion to Gadamer (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy)

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: 2, 8/12/2021
EAN 9781108816298, ISBN10: 1108816290

Paperback, 460 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.6 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Hans-Georg Gadamer (1900–2002) is widely recognized as the leading exponent of philosophical hermeneutics. The essays in this volume examine Gadamer's biography, the core of hermeneutical theory, and the significance of his work for ethics, aesthetics, the social sciences, and theology. There is full consideration of Gadamer's appropriation of Hegel, Heidegger and the Greeks, as well as his relation to modernity, critical theory and poststructuralism. This revised edition includes several new chapters on aspects of Gadamer's work, as well as updated chapters from the first edition and the most comprehensive bibliography of works by and about Gadamer available in the English language.

Introduction Robert J. Dostal
1. Gadamer
the man and his work Robert J. Dostal
2. Gadamer's basic understanding of understanding Jean Grondin
3. Getting it right
relativism, realism, and truth Brice Wachterhauser
4. Philosophical hermeneutics, language and the communicative event James Risser
5. Phronesis and solidarity
democratic politics Darren Walhof
6. Gadamer's Herderian critics Georgia Warnke
7. Gadamer on the human sciences Charles Taylor
8. Art experience and its transformative potential in Gadamer's Hermeneutics Beata Sirowy
9. Lyric as paradigm
Hegel and the speculative instance of poetry in Gadamer's Hermeneutics J. M. Baker, JR.
10. Gadamer, the Hermeneutic revolution, and theology Fred Lawrence
11. Hermeneutics in practice
Gadamer on ancient philosophy Catherine H. Zuckert
12. Gadamer's Hegel Robert B. Pippin
13. Gadamer's relation to Heidegger and phenomenology Robert J. Dostal
14. The constellation of Hermeneutics, critical theory, and deconstruction Richard Bernstein
15. Hermeneutics in a broader horizon
Gadamer, Rorty, Davidson Niall Keane
16. Bibliography
17. Index.