The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Logic (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy)

The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Logic (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy)

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Cambridge University Press, 9/22/2016
EAN 9781107062313, ISBN10: 1107062314

Hardcover, 464 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.5 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

This volume, the first dedicated and comprehensive companion to medieval logic, covers both the Latin and the Arabic traditions, and shows that they were in fact sister traditions, which both arose against the background of a Hellenistic heritage and which influenced one another over the centuries. A series of chapters by both established and younger scholars covers the whole period including early and late developments, and offers new insights into this extremely rich period in the history of logic. The volume is divided into two parts, 'Periods and Traditions' and 'Themes', allowing readers to engage with the subject from both historical and more systematic perspectives. It will be a must-read for students and scholars of medieval philosophy, the history of logic, and the history of ideas.

List of contributors
Introduction Catarina Dutilh Novaes and Stephen Read
Part I. Periods and Traditions
1. The legacy of ancient logic in the Middle Ages Julie Brumberg-Chaumont
2. Arabic logic up to Avicenna Ahmad Hasnawi and Wilfrid Hodges
3. Arabic logic after Avicenna Khaled El-Rouayheb
4. Latin period up to 1200 Ian Wilks
5. Logic in the Latin thirteenth century Sara L. Uckelman and Henrik Lagerlund
6. Logic in the Latin West in the fourteenth century Stephen Read
7. The post-medieval period E. Jennifer Ashworth
Part II. Themes
8. Logica vetus Margaret Cameron
9. Supposition and properties of terms Christoph Kann
10. Propositions
their meaning and truth Laurent Cesalli
11. Sophisms and insolubles Mikko Yrjönsuuri and Elizabeth Coppock
12. The syllogism and its transformations Paul Thom
13. Consequence Gyula Klima
14. The logic of modality Riccardo Strobino and Paul Thom
15. Obligationes Catarina Dutilh Novaes and Sara L. Uckelman